Though a remarkably simple method, the two newly weds holding hands secures the picture plane in firm unity and poise.
Modern Chinese paintings strive to visual and conceptual knowledge, which shows the compromise with the depth of feeling, also must conform to the picture plane.
So, if you slice these things by a vertical plane, or actually even better, a vertical half plane, something to delete one half of the picture.
One thing that's on this picture that I haven't drawn down is the normal vector to the plane.
Impossible to see in the picture: the coordinated shout and semi-bow toward the plane when the fueling was done.
So, what I'm going to do is I'm going to take planes, say in this picture, parallel to the yz plane.
In an undated picture, a mock-up of the A-12 spy plane sits perched upside down on a testing pylon at Area 51-part of radar tests to reveal revealed how visible, or invisible, the design was to radar.
在一张未标明日期的图片中,一架实物模型的A - 12间谍飞机倒挂着停放在51区的一个测试塔上,这是为了测试该飞机的外观在雷达上可视或不可视的程度。
The Hurricane Imaging Radiometer can measure not only directly under the plane, but also out to each side, providing a two-dimensional picture of storm structure.
WHEN a US Airways plane landed in the Hudson River in January, the first picture appeared on Twitter.
A key limitation of the picture shown here is that we can only portray the curvature of a 2-dimensional plane of an actual 3-dimensional space!
A picture composition analysis of Dunhuang murals in light of the beauty rules of form in modern plane construction theories indicates that Dunhuang murals conform to the modern aesthetic principles.
The picture of instrument and plane display in the cockpit of plane is recorded, the recorded picture is very important in evaluating flight quality in peacetime or maintaining in wartime.
The second video plane (50) stores reduced moving picture data.
The first picture above I took at the Wuhan airport with some of the Rocks who can to greet me when I got off the plane, and then the second picture is at the meet and greet.
The first picture above I took at the Wuhan airport with some of the Rocks who can to greet me when I got off the plane, and then the second picture is at the meet and greet.