A few words of praise help to sweeten the pill of criticism.
I put the pill in each of the treats, and Lucas would not go near any of them.
If you want to remember to take a medication with lunch, put the pill bottle on the kitchen table—don't leave it in the medicine chest and write yourself a note that you keep in a pocket.
So there is both good news and bad news for women who meet while on the pill.
I put the pill in each of the treats and Lucas would not go near any of the them.
In terms of your overall health, it makes little difference when you stop taking the pill.
So patients should talk with their doctors about the pros and cons before taking the pill.
I then remembered my lady friend saying that I could hide the pill inside a cat snack treat. Aha!
But for all the enthusiasm sweeping the country, one group viewed the Pill with great suspicion.
Women who did not take the pill slightly increased their preference for genetically different men.
If you gained or lost weight, had a baby, are menopausal, went on or off the pill... you need an update.
Mr Zapatero sweetened the pill a few days earlier by announcing a tax increase for the rich in 2011.
Yet consider the phrase "sugaring the pill" : pills are medicine and as such are poisonous in large quantities.
If your brain is not functioning properly, and a drug can make it work better, then it makes sense to take the pill.
When you stop taking the pill, it can take some time for your body to return to normal production of these hormones.
The study conducted in Australia found that the success of pregnancy doubled in the infertile couples who took the pill.
Marriages last on average two years longer if the female partner is on the pill when the pair share their first encounter.
Based on the analysis of the equation and condition, the starting current velocity formula about the pill sediment is further proved.
Multi-purpose travel towels packed like pills. Simply pop one out, soak with a little water and the pill instantly transforms into a sturdy towel.
The FDA will also ask its experts to comment on increased side effects like depression, fainting and dizziness seen among women taking the pill.
And if the pill is mostly causing the rare triple-negative type of breast cancer, the effect could be muddied in a study looking at breast-cancer disease overall.
In one study, use of birth control pills led to a higher risk of premenopausal breast cancer in women who took the pill for four or more years before having a baby.
The early side effects of the Pill, which included stroke, blood pressure problems, weight gain and acne, may have inadvertently unleashed feminism, Sanger added.
The researchers are studying whether the pill can prevent cardiovascular disease from developing in healthy people, rather than treating people who are already ill.
In the U.S., 16 percent of married women say they use the pill. That compares to 29 percent in the United Kingdom and more than 40 percent in the Netherlands and France.
They found that, women who had taken oral contraception at some point in their lives had a lower risk of death from any cause compared with those who had never taken the pill.
The researchers noted that they could not offer any theories about cause and effect because they only observed and compared women who took the pill with women who did not.
The researchers noted that they could not offer any theories about cause and effect because they only observed and compared women who took the pill with women who did not.