Corvids and some mammals have the ability to plan for the future, to store food for instance, in places where they can find it later.
It may or may not be possible to fix all of the issues, or completely improve test coverage, but understanding the problem will help you plan for the future.
WHEN Ford unveiled its plan for a "Way Forward" in January, the future of the company and its workers seemed pretty bleak.
WHEN Ford unveiled its plan for a “Way Forward” in January, the future of the company and its workers seemed pretty bleak.
Studying interactions between climate and society in the past may help us plan for the future.
And the presence of this paint-production laboratory indicates that the early humans knew basic chemistry and could plan for the future.
We understand that some applications may require deeper integration with the OS, and we'll continue to evaluate those requests as we plan the features for future version of AIR.
Initially it will be really hard to ignore the mind that wants to plan for the future and Muse about the past, but with time you will see through its insanity.
It would like to direct the world's attention to its efforts to improve safety, its plan to start paying dividends once again this year and its ideas for the future.
The plan would “create jobs for American workers to strengthen our economy now, and increase our nation's growth and productivity in the future,” the White House said.
When you're attempting to plan for the future with an architecture, sometimes the most critical tool you can have is a solid understanding of the past.
For example, we sponsored the sustainability study "Munich - Paths Toward a Carbon-Free Future." Key findings of this study will be incorporated in the climate plan of the city of Munich.
This support will help us to execute our priorities for the current year, and enable us to plan for the future.
The canal's future now lies with the delta's water exporters, who must develop a plan for restoring smelt and salmon habitat before they can legally increase pumping.
I try to learn from the past, but I plan for the future by focusing exclusively on the present.
There's a time to plan and there's a time to opine about the future of the universe. But most of the time is a good time for getting things done.
There's a time to plan and there's a time to opine about the future of the universe.But most of the time is a good time for getting things done.
Any arrangement or plan should be based on maintaining long-term peace and stability in the region, and leaving no potential problems for the future.
When he tookup that job, he invited the then CEO out to dinner, asked him what his vision was, and mauled him until, by coffee time, some sortof grand plan for the future had emerged.
The Friday meeting heard a work report by the Ministry of Health on the status quo and future plans of HIV prevention and control, and endorsed a five-year plan for the 2011-2015 period.
周五的会议也听取了卫生部关于艾滋病防控工作上的现状,计划的报告。 同意了2011-2015年5年计划。
The annual holiday is a time for far-flung families to gather together, look back over the past year and plan for the future.
No practical plan has been made for the future to provide the 22 million inhabitants of Mexico city with the water they need without destroying the city.
In the future, we plan to incorporate source bases for closed-source Oracle products as well, to further increase the predictive effectiveness of our corpus analysis.
Don't get me wrong — it's good to plan for the future, but if you're like me and you occasionally want to swing for the fences you can't count on a predictable life.
The Zachman Framework is one tool that organizations use to analyze their existing architecture and plan for the future; often it is mentioned in the same breath as enterprise architecture.
Many have worked tirelessly over the past several months to create a sustainable plan for the future of Saab by selling the brand and its manufacturing interests to Koenigsegg.
When you move to a town where you expect to spend the rest of your days, you plan for the future.
Instead, the focus here is on family, feelings and the often unknowable future that we have to plan for nevertheless.
France, Belgium and Luxembourg announced on Sunday they had approved a plan for the future of the embattled bank but offered no details.
In order to avoid past protects the change may cause confusion and temporal logic to collapse, Hudson gold to fly to plan for the future.