White lines divide the playing area into sections.
Bent was charged with going on to the playing area, contrary to the Football Offences Act, but the charge was later withdrawn and Brodkin was issued with a six-month conditional caution.
An area in which the computer has made considerable strides in recent years is in playing chess.
If you are playing in a small area, consider throwing a hammer toss for your pull; the upside down disc orientation of a hammer makes it harder to catch.
So if you imagine playing tennis, the same area of the brain lights up as if you're actually playing tennis.
A saxophonist playing at Bethesda Terrace, a newly designated quiet area, could wipe out the gentle sound of the Bethesda Fountain for everyone else.
That area, just above the left ear, has long been suspected of playing a part in the developmental disorder because of its critical role in learning language.
Have entered the mistake area drinking leben if walking, not only playing short of arrive at health care role, be also disadvantageous to keep healthy.
When the MIDI file starts playing, the MIDI commands are displayed as they are published in the text area. The format of the displayed message is.
The girls drank hot chocolate and went to visit the area. When they came back in, Thomas was in the living room by the fireplace playing with Alex.
Next one show us some volunteers are giving us a quite good performance called singing and smile. The video of the performance is in my PLAYING AREA.
If you hold your hand and arm like this for a few seconds, even without playing, you will feel fatigue in the forearm flexor area.
The information and service provided by scenic area websites are playing more and more important role in the process of tourists' decision-making.
Because of the idea of water control conversed from flood control to flood management, store floodwater area is playing an important role in the contemporary floodwater prevention and control.
It is a space that flows out onto the living room without a designated use, and that can perform as a guest bedroom, tai-chi room or playing area for kids.
The grid technology is playing the huge role in the high performance memory area of technology.
This simply means that each playing area of a hole is set on a relative high point, letting the natural drainage patterns fall between these high traffic spots.
The Arsenal goal came with 13 minutes to go - Flamini playing the ball right from the edge of the area to Hleb and then receiving the return unmarked.
Conclusion Resveratrol can induce expression of VEGF in early phase after cerebral ischemia, which promotes the formation of new blood vessels in ischemic area playing a role in cerebral protection.
Actually, listening to music is only stimulating a small area of brain which controls the hearing. This is totally different practice from playing the piano and listening to music.
Ditch and the Longtan waterfall group, playing child Commissioner Gorge, the old sector Ridge Scenic Area, and other important tourist attractions formation of gold Link.
Besides, you can have DIY activities with your friends in the camping area of lakeside. No matter barbequing, playing games or singing, can make you feel totally relax.
另外,在湖边的露营区域,来个DIY大比拼 也不错,和同伴一起支炉烧烤,做做游戏、唱唱歌,都会让你彻底放松。
Basketball court: The dimension of individual basketball courts vary, a playing area 28m long and 15m wide is considered standard for FIBA (International basketball Federation).
A line located at either end and typically running the width of a playing area, on which a goal post or goal is positioned.
More than 20,000 staff work there and 3,000 live on site in a residential area that has schools, playing fields and all the other necessities of urban living.
We are not playing by those rules, but by ours, and incidentally those of many countries in the south-East Asian area.
The problem of rescission of contract is one of the most important problems on the study area of contract law, playing an unparalleled role in modern people"s life, economical and social contract."
The problem of rescission of contract is one of the most important problems on the study area of contract law, playing an unparalleled role in modern people"s life, economical and social contract."