From the perspective of semantics and its definition of "logic truth", its subject promise is the possible world.
The possible world of J2EE client solutions includes thin clients, fat clients, and other alternative client-side access technology.
This is about the possible world schema to describe context, and discusses the definition of the succeeded speech communication.
The defect of" the possible world" with the position of moumenon leads to the thought of" the possible world" without the position of moumenon.
It's possible that people from different cultures have different assumptions about the world regarding such important and basic ideas as time, personal space.
In The Avengers, the all-star ensemble must thwart a possible world-ending scheme devised by Thor's villainous brother Loki.
While Kearns warns that the setting was artificial, he says it's possible that greater persuasive power could lie with well-connected individuals in the everyday online world too.
In order to understand ancient Egyptian art, it is vital to know as much as possible of the elite Egyptians' view of the world and the functions and contexts of the art produced for them.
Those innovations, upon which virtually all aspects of contemporary society now depend, were possible because the United States then led the world in mathematics and science education.
All around the world, lawyers generate more hostility than the members of any other profession — with the possible exception of journalism.
Our continuing failure to deal with the environmental declines that are undermining the world food economy forces me to conclude that such a collapse is possible.
In fact, the sky is so clear in Vicuna that it is possible to see many stars that can be seen only with advanced instruments in other parts of the world.
The me-tooism of the world car industry means that all good ideas are copied as soon as possible.
The chaplain continued, "the heritage they have left us, the vision of a new world, [was] made possible by the common bond that united them.".. their only hope that this unity will endure.
But some foreign officials are warning the provision would spark complaints against the United States at the World Trade Organization - and possible retaliation against U.S. exports.
I do not doubt that it would be possible to inject ideas into the modern world that would utterly destroy us.
"This came after reports of possible attacks on foreigners after the 2010 FIFA World Cup," says Maseko.
Do I need to develop the idea that an example is not necessarily an example to be followed (even less so, if possible, in the absurd world) and that these illustrations are not therefore models?
The dramatic rise in mobile phone use around the world has prompted concerns about possible harmful effects, including brain tumours.
If life is harsh, the theory goes, maybe they need to get their babies into the world as quickly as possible.
As can be seen from the phrase quoted above, he believed in "arousing the world," which is only possible if the world gets a chance to hear what you are doing.
She was stubborn, and she hated to lose, but it was her goal to use science to help the world in whatever way possible.
Since the past is the past, and we can’t go back and change it ,is it possible to change our reality and our perception of the world?
Thanks to all the fans who make this tournament the best in the world and thanks to my family who travel with me around the world and make it all possible.
However, in the empirical world it is possible to test this and thus learn from it.
But the only way to declare the world inhabited would be to rule out all possible abiological explanations.
The invention of these limited liability corporations made possible the modern world: how they arise, and how they die, matters.
These are merely a few of the possible negative effects light pollution has on our world.
These are merely a few of the possible negative effects light pollution has on our world.