Even so, cuts in spending are larger than in similar episodes in the postwar period.
It was also an error to speak of the postwar period as if it possessed a unified character.
Tied aid, the preferred mode of operation of western donors since the postwar period, would now be embraced by China.
In the postwar period, the scientist with Gnostic-style knowledge and shadowy connections to power ascended to massive public fame.
In contrast to the global crisis of the 1930s and to the major economic crises of the postwar period, the leaders of the world acted together.
Many of his studies of everyday life, such as Snap the Whip, date from the postwar period, during which he was a popular magazine illustrator.
In "normal" recessions such as the ones we have experienced in the postwar period prior to the present crisis, only the flow deflations were in operation.
The system worked well for more than two decades, helped by the postwar economic boom, particularly in Germany and Japan which began the period with undervalued exchange rates.
The Catcher in the Rye swept the whole world in the early postwar period. The application of symbolism plays a decisive role in the presentation of theme and characters.
The postwar Japanese economy provides the world's first example of an economy showing a sustained period of double-digit growth of real gross national product (GNP).
The postwar Japanese economy provides the world's first example of an economy showing a sustained period of double-digit growth of real gross national product (GNP).