You can conclude that a simple linear model offers more predictive power than simply using the mean of the Exhaustion scores.
But that does not mean that more effective checks on the mentally unstable are impossible, or that restrictions on the killing power of what can be sold are doomed to failure.
The fact that nobody in power is talking about jobs does not mean, however, that nothing could be done.
As prominent a founding father as James Madison maintained: "A people who mean to be their own governors must arm themselves with the power knowledge gives.
Extra safety requirements could mean added expense in an industry where the up-front costs of building a nuclear power plant are already very high.
William measured the mechanical power of the mechanism. He thought that chould be done by mean of electricity.
Just because that power can be misused doesn't mean I don't want the power.
And then his third law was that if you take the orbital period of an ellipse, that is proportional to the third power of the mean distance to the Sun.
Of course, I mean, you actually have to take some power supply to maintain the magnetic fields.
The US can expect to be the sole superpower for some time yet, if we mean by the term a state capable of deploying effective power almost anywhere in the world.
All power comes from God, I admit; but so does all sickness: does that mean that we are forbidden to call in the doctor?
Although most entrepreneurs are successful because they are in love with the idea of control, they must recognize that delegation doesn't mean relinquishing power.
Of course, by power what I mean here is not the power that corrupts but one that changes the world and makes a positive contribution.
Our great power does not mean we can do whatever we want whenever we want, nor should we assume we have all the wisdom and knowledge necessary to succeed.
More financial firms — with none too big to fail — would mean less concentrated financial power, less concentrated risk and better access and service for American businesses and the public.
A people who mean to be their own Governors must arm themselves with the power knowledge gives.
The games' huge budget and massive publicity power mean it can never be a simple sporting event.
They have none of the power of pre-accession talks, when a single mis-step can easily mean another year of delay.
During more than half a century in power, leading the LDP used to mean leading Japan.
As an illustration of what I mean about the relative power of programming languages, consider the following problem.
Many will shut over the coming decade; strict carbon-emissions targets mean they must be replaced with a mix of nuclear-power plants and wind turbines.
So to replace that nuclear power plant with wind would mean dedicating nearly 280 square miles of land to a gigantic wind farm, which would be about the size of New York City.
What will that mean for Russia, the world, and indeed the man who just can't seem to give up power?
Will to power 1050 says that the Dionysian mean, quote: the great pantheistic sharing of joy and sorrow that sanctifies and calls good even the most terrible impressionable qualities of life.
But that doesn't mean that the words themselves don't have power.
I mean, this is supposed to be power-sharing, and this example of trying to share the Home Affairs Ministry doesn't reflect the will of what the Zimbabweans voted for, "said Wood."
Just to stop the deficit from getting bigger would mean raising prices by 20%, according to Unesa, the Spanish power-industry association.
The descriptive statistics for body weight normalized strength, normalized peak EMG, time to onset, time to peak, median frequency, mean power frequency, and frequency bands were calculated.
The intermittency of wind power does mean that we would need to run our electricity grids in a very different way.
The intermittency of wind power does mean that we would need to run our electricity grids in a very different way.