The theoretical end result of this thesis is the practical materialism as well as the theoretical vision created by it.
The scope of practical materialism is relatively narrow, and belongs to sensible philosophy.
The aesthetic relation of human treating reality that starts from practical materialism and practice concept is the central research object.
Relationalism is the essence of practical materialism and Piagets theory.
According to historical materialism, man encounters and realizes historical law in the living world as well as in millions and millions of practical activities.
Having found and inherited the rational kemel, Max constructs the philosophy of practical materialism.
In The Outline of Feuerbach Marx founded a thorough practical materialism with men as core and practice as base.
Abstract: The debates over subjectivity among philosophers is an inevitable end-result of discussions on practical materialism.
From the view of practical Materialism, it's practical.
Marxist philosophy is the philosophy of practical materialism, but the final base of the whole world is not practice, but material.
The Outline of Feuerbach can be regarded as a "sprout" of Marxs practical materialism, for it is a breakthrough in the theory of subjective sensibility.
On the basis of the practical outlook of materialism, it generalized the three factors of the system: subject of practice, object of practice and information.
Practical materialism basically overcomes the limitation of idealism and old materialism without going beyond the opposition of idealism and materialism. Being as dialectical materialism, his...
The practical idealism "is a fundamental conception in Marx's historical materialism."
The practical idealism "is a fundamental conception in Marx's historical materialism."