On the basis of the precautionary principle, it could be argued that it is advisable to follow the FSA's advice.
While we invoke the precautionary principle, which always recommends erring on the side of caution, we have to recognize there will be trade-offs to be made.
What is the precautionary principle, and how is it related, if at all, to adaptive management?
The precautionary principle suggests that we should be wary of personal products like fragrances unless they are marked phthalate-free.
This article compares the precautionary principle in the U. s. and China by reviewing the environmental and public health policies of the two countries.
In the meantime, nearly everyone seems to agree that it's worth putting the precautionary principle into play; that is, reduce your exposure as best you can.
I cannot judge the likelihood of the disaster scenario, but if there ever was a case for applying the precautionary principle in economic analysis, then this is it.
Therefore, it requires us to introduce the precautionary principle(PP)and to solidly implement this principle in environmental risk assessment and decision-making.
The precautionary principle has been written into many international environmental laws. However, different countries have defined and implemented it in different ways.
This article focuses on the "overall defense in a comprehensive way, multiple protection" of the precautionary principle, strive to reduce the harm to the lowest point.
IMO Secretary-General Efthimios Mitropoulos welcomed Mexico's ratification by emphasizing that for the first time the precautionary principle will be applied to Marine pollution.
The protocol reaffirmed the precautionary principle, that permits contracting parties to prohibit or limit the entry of LMO, and the shipments containing LMO are to be clearly labeled.
The European model rests more on the "precautionary principle", which underpins most environmental and health directives.
The comparative analysis in this paper is backed up by the following understandings concerning precaution and the effectiveness of precaution: 1 precaution is different from precautionary principle.
The "Precautionary Principle" exemplifies which of the following?
On the basis of structure and principle, fault causes of pneumatic butterfly valve are analyzed, and precautionary measures are proposed.
There are four parts in this dissertation: First part concerns the summary of precautionary principle.
There are four parts in this dissertation: First part concerns the summary of precautionary principle.