The War and Navy departments each accumulated growing prestige which fostered the spirit of the old school tie.
The War and Navy departments each accumulated growing prestige which fostered the spirit of the old school tie .
For example, the hotel has become the only prestige partner of Sephora Beauty School this year.
The long and the short of it is that Harvard admission, or that to another prestige school, is far from an exclusive ticket to truly outstanding business success.
The Key to run a school well lies in the presidents prestige.
It is just one of the reasons that Liao's foreign language school can get the prestige so many foreign language schools have been seeking.
In here, he contacts each cultural school and the ideological trend, and has held his since birth first art exhibition, brings the very big prestige to him.
The study finds that individual ability, family background, high school quality and opportunities of access to colleges have a main impact on a prestige college choice.
The study finds that individual ability, family background, high school quality and opportunities of access to colleges have a main impact on a prestige college choice.