The private business owners should keep on learning, improve their own quality and make bold innovations, to promote the scale and level of private-owned economy to a new stage.
Some companies are limiting the risk by conducting online transactions only with established business partners who are given access to the company’s private intranet.
Some companies are limiting the risk by conducting online transactions only with established business partners who are given access to the company's private intranet.
It also discourages innovation. In the private sector innovative firms routinely experiment with new business models, measure the success of those models and then expand successful ones.
A practical approach would be to set a gradually rising schedule of fees, motivating private companies to enter the securitization business.
In the realm of private business, the EU has fostered competition in markets for capital and goods.
The private life of a business process is known as its private interface, likewise, the public life is its public interface.
In the private sector innovative firms routinely experiment with new business models, measure the success of those models and then expand successful ones.
The crisis has dented Swiss banks' reputation badly, and risks clobbering the private banking arm that still forms the bedrock of UBS's business.
It is in the private interface that you will find the flow models and global models that define what that business process is actually doing.
To regulate the business practices of self-employed, private partnerships, individual proprietorship and private enterprises.
The ECGD says it thinks private insurers are about to start doing serious business again.
But the ANC rather likes the idea of extending its power over private business and the allocation of capital, he fears.
We took the company private, improved the business, and three years later sold it to Tosco, an oil company, earning our investors a more than quadrupled return on their money.
The Forum of Private Business, which represents over 25,000 small firms, is lobbying for cuts in tax and social security rates to help small companies at this critical point in the cycle.
The Dassault Falcon is a European-made private passenger business jet that resembles a Lear jet.
All components of society - including those not traditionally involved in health - have to be engaged, including civil society, the private sector, communities and the business sector.
But mortgage financing should revert to the private sector. This would get rid of a business model that has failed.
Under the original deal, Haunch was meant to be the channel for all of Christie's private-client business as well as the focus of its primary trade.
Of the 14 private airlines established since 2004, only four are still in business.
Its extension must also shift more of the burden, and the business, to the private sector.
Phil McCabe, from the Forum of Private Business, said: 'Business do want to accommodate mothers but such extreme measures would make it increasingly difficult for small firms.
February 7, 2011-west African countries have some of the biggest barriers and constraints to private business in the world, according to an international ranking.
But far worse: the state Banks and other private Banks began to outcompete the national Banks for financial business.
Led by the business and law schools, they behave increasingly like private universities, in other words.
Now it is a private firm with a broad and stable business: the from any engine failure can be more easily contained.
Now it is a private firm with a broad and stable business: the from any engine failure can be more easily contained.