Cognitive psychology is a study of the process of cognition by means of information processing.
So the process of cognition is the process that human's mind gets processes and deals with information.
We need also attach importance to overcoming the limitations and one-sidedness in the process of cognition;
The interpreter must go through the process of cognition and transference to accomplish a dynamic, cross-cultural communication.
It has a deeply theoretical and practical sense on mathematics education because of its essential analysis to the process of cognition.
The semantic fuzziness is the reflection on the "uncertainty of the meaning boundaries" of objects in the process of cognition in language.
Emotion runs through the whole process of teaching. It is not only the process of cognition, but also the process of mutual emotional influence.
Wills have many functions in the process of cognition. Among them there are three elementary functions: functions of direction, control and regulation.
Thus it can be seen that the first step in the process of cognition is contact with the objects of the external world; this belongs to the stage of perception.
Cognition, the act or process of thinking, enables us to process vast amounts of information quickly.
According to the theory of cognition psychology and the characteristics of short-time memory, we can use some teaching tactics to improve the efficiency of classroom information process.
Because of the complexity and complicacy of the process, the subject of cognition must use correct method during eath phase of the process.
The subject, medium, object, method and process of cognition are the same to those of practice.
Analysis on the process of communication: This unit indicates that false cognition of audience is inevitable while receiving information.
Semantic fuzziness comes into being during the cognition process of human beings. And cognitive psychology is essential to the production and recognition of semantic fuzziness.
The process of medical ethics education embodies moral cognition and moral behaviors.
The guide function of geophysics was explained by looking back the humankind cognition process of solid earth.
Process Knowledge Representation is that the results of cognition are represented explicitly in some modes.
The paper holds that, although the intellectuality thinking is one "stereotyped", "dogmatic" thinking mode, it has somewhat reasonable scope and foundation existing in the process of man's cognition.
Text understanding is a dynamic cognitive process, operating on the basis of the relevance orientation of human cognition.
The effects of factors of cognition and affection are different from each other in the process of moral internalization.
Cognitive context signifies the psychological basis of semantic reference and points out that utterance understanding is a dynamic process of cognition and reference.
The intuition is regarded as a kind of mental state phenomenon, cognition process, and a kind of scientific method that is important to scientific discoveries.
The cognition of "Propriety" and "Ceremony and Propriety" has experienced a tortuous process in our country.
Among various factors affecting the process are the features of the target of cognition, the social environment and the features of the subject of cognition.
Recently, constructivism that is an important branch of cognition study theory has gradually become popular in western as the development of psychologists' study of human learning process.
Recently, constructivism that is an important branch of cognition study theory has gradually become popular in western as the development of psychologists' study of human learning process.