Nine is usually thought of as a lucky number because it is the product of three times three.
Most number systems, then, are the by-product of two key factors: the human capacity for language and our inclination for focusing on our hands and fingers.
The data collected by each collector for each problem type will vary by product, as will the number and type of additional information items you will be asked to enter.
The ideal mix of features for your business would depend upon the features that come with the base product, size of the business, number of users, and other licensing terms.
But given the number of patterns and the possible product mappings, using these patterns is not trivial.
The product key CARDS have a number of other subtle differences as compared with traditional boxed products.
Once you have a product, strongly consider reducing the number of engineers, many of whom are no longer needed.
Distributors usually will not accept efforts to control the distribution of a product that can be obtained from a number of sources.
Create the catalog structure and add product information, including name, category, stock keeping unit (SKU) number, and image.
Cutting down on the number of included files for example impedes maintainability of the product.
On each product page, there are the usual items: headlines, sales copy, thumbnail photos, the number of items in stock.
The result is a standardised product made in a fairly small number of varieties, produced at low cost and of mediocre quality.
Additional tests were targeted on build 6 (increase in number of "missed" tests), indicating additional functional changes to the product.
When a preset number of buyers is found, the product is sold at a deep discount.
Mine joined Oracle and XML data to report the number of customer comments received for each product.
At all stages of development, you must keep the number of bugs introduced into the product under check.
Gazelle, an online tech product buyer, said the number of BlackBerry trades is up from its record highs earlier this month, citing an 80 percent increase last week.
One increasingly popular method of pricing software (especially SaaS) is based on the number of registered users of the product per month.
A value model for a software product can be a formula or an algorithm that helps estimate the number of licenses that can be sold, at what price, over the product lifecycle.
A note in the product manual about the maximum number of users would be an additional plus.
You may be interested in improving productivity, whereas a project manager will be interested in meeting the proposed schedule and reducing the number of product defects.
All specifications support relevant data types for the product domain, such as string, number, and date-related data types.
But tucked away in the press release eBay issued about the acquisition were a few surprising stats about the number of product searches eBay and its competitors are handling.
Segmentation is the process of slicing a market for a particular product or service into a number of different segments.
The maximum number of users supported by a server is the product of the two parameters values.
Mass customisation USES some of the techniques of mass production; for example, its output is based on a small number of platforms, core components that underlie the product.
"We increase the number of product lines and we are careful to have several different colours and shapes," says Mr Arnault.
The number crunching suggests that 13 of the 15 sites aren't the product of chance.
Since the operands for the multiplication are 64-bit values, the result of their product is a 128-bit number.
The final ship decision can be made based upon test data that is actually a number of weeks or months old, but where the product has remained functionally stable for some time.