The production function is concave with decreasing returns.
In the model, the production function is assumed to be nonclassic and constant returns to scale.
The framework for computing total factor productivity growth is the standard one, based on the production function.
Initiate and co-ordinate cost improvement projects to add value to the production function and to drive maximum performance.
In microeconomics, the relationship between the output of a process and the necessary resources is referred to as the production function.
The processes and effects of water saving society establishment is reflected in water-rich areas through a description to the production function.
In construction, the production function may be expressed by the relationship between the volume of construction and a factor of production such as labor or capital.
It introduces the production function which is used to establish the fuzzy nerve network model, then determines the structure of fuzzy nerve network and describes it.
Partial least-squares regression (PLS) method is applied in the construction of the production function based cost function model of electricity distribution utilities.
The traditional agricultural production functions have both macro and micro ones, and the marginal analysis is to study the economic phenomena with the production function.
In my first lecture on the economics of fertilization, I examined the concept of diminishing marginal returns and how this is related to the shape of the production function.
In the production function, the paper derived China's actual trend of the marginal cost function under the assumption that there is adequate supply of labor in the coal industry.
With the production function and cost theory, the energy demand function was built, and the energy demand functions of China in 1979 - 2000, 1979-1992, and 1993 - 2000 were estimated.
The paper discusses the function of education in Knowledge Economy and brings educational inputs into the production function to discuss the contribution of education to economic growth.
In a production environment, this is typically the function of a registry implemented in LDAP, a database, or an operating system.
Antibodies perform their function by combining with the specific antigens that stimulated their production.
One function of profits, in brief, is to guide and channel the factors of production so as to apportion the relative output of thousands of different commodities in accordance with demand.
总之,利润的一大功能是为生产要素的配置指出合理的方向,并且为之开辟途径。 只有这样,我们才能恰当地确定无数不同产品的相对产出,使它与需求相一致。
The production of wood and non-wood forest products is the primary function for 34 percent of the world's forests.
In most cases, the custom applications will continue to function in Lotus Sametime V7.5, but should be tested outside of production to minimize impact to users.
This testing, designed to mimic the production environment, should push not just security but also load, process, and function.
If any of the products are needed for production purposes, full-function licenses must be purchased separately from IBM.
For the example scenario, a few months after the application has been in production, new function (including new SQL) is added to the application, which now needs to be deployed.
Allowing the market, interest rates, and other prices to function to encourage the shift in production will be particularly important.
It covers the adaptation of the controlling and engineering methods, simulation function, decision-making support and graphic ability of production and analysis.
Regular physical activity may improve brain function, both by increasing blood flow to the brain and stimulating the production of hormones and nerve growth factors involved in neurogenesis.
The design of mechanical and electrical production is to satisfy some special function, but these functions are often realized by the action of mechanism.
The mutation meant that the enzyme could not function, so serotonin production would be lower than average and, potentially, carriers of the mutation would be more prone to depression.
这种变异意味着酶无法正常发挥作用,因此5 -羟色胺的量会低于正常水平,而且携带这类变异基因的人更有可能患上抑郁症。
As everyone knows, test and the experimental technique have very important function in the research and production of the rocket weapon.
As everyone knows, test and the experimental technique have very important function in the research and production of the rocket weapon.