This metadata defines prerequisites, the proper name of the module, and more.
Always use the proper name for things. Fear of a name increases fear of the thing itself.
And now I know what the proper name is for the cats eyes that are embedded in the freeway!
Upside down rainbows, or 'circumzenithal arcs', to give them the proper name, are not caused by rain.
The first thing that you do in createCharts() is to create a JSON object with the proper name-value pairs.
在createCharts()中,首先做的事情是使用适当的名称 - 值对创建一个JSON对象。
The company has the proper name specialized sculpture designer, has grasped the higher artistic quality and the style.
Judd under the helpless, is leading the wife, daughter Jia in pairs and the proper name domestic servant flees the outside areas, hoped that seeks the vitality.
It is a common speech phenomenon that the proper name makes a variation. It can receive positive rhetoric effect by using appropriately, so it is used regularly.
The company mainly produces the processing meat product, presently advertises for office personnel 1, food lab technician, market marketing manager the proper name.
But mixing drinks doesn't actually make you more drunk, or give you a worse hangover. It's all down to the total amount of ethanol (the proper name for alcohol) you have consumed.
We have to be able to name these enemies, so that we can prepare the proper weapons to fight them.
This file is used as a configuration file for the connection to our DB2 database with the proper credentials, i.e. it define the database name, user name, and password.
The goods are made of high-quality materials, with zippers and grommets boasting the brand name, and are stamped with what appears to be the proper manufacturing location and date.
One way is for the integration layer to process the SOAP message and to reconstruct a different SOAP message with a proper operation name.
In the case of the binding name, proper naming service maintenance will allow you to bind objects into your JNDI tree from any vendor, so while the vendor may change, the binding name doesn't have to.
So; however, no applications need to be aware of the name since the configuration process detects and configures the subsystem for the proper tokens.
The extend-grammar query rules: The query rule consists of a do_you_know production, followed by a name or a proper name.
扩展文法查询(extend - grammar query)规则:这个query规则由do_you _ know产品组成,后跟一个名称或恰当的名称。
Name the cloud file repository CloudFileRepository 101, specify the proper version (6.2.2) and the proper path in the file repository (itmAgent622).
将云文件知识库命名为CloudFileRepository 101,指定适当的版本(6.2.2)和适当的文件知识库路径(itmagent622)。
Initially, the grammar consists of only one proper name, Ted (modesty aside, it's a great name).
Hercules was the name by which the Greek mythological character Heracles was known to the Romans. Heracles, to give him his proper Greek name, was the most famous of the Greek mythological heroes.
An application with proper access to the database can create a name to be stored in the name service database.
Double-check the spelling of your name and details of your address so there are no disputes about the proper copyright ownership.
Finally, the last line of Listing 10 creates the element using the proper column name.
Once again, this is pragmatic because you don't want the root element name in proper case while the children names follow a different pattern.
Do not be surprised if, whatever proper name it is eventually assigned, the new, mountain-dwelling, central-Asian species actually becomes known as the yeti.
Check for proper certificate Subject (should be the DNS name) and certificate trust options.
Check for proper certificate Subject (should be the DNS name) and certificate trust options.