The rings symbolize the pure love, silver rings that emotional tenderness.
The white is the most popular color in wedding, because it stands for the pure love.
Early winter, I love you! The pure love you, love your evil thoughts and feelings buried.
So I didn't get into contact with the Mother first, but I experienced the pure love of the SY collectivity.
The one you once loved will be happy in everywhere. The pure love is difficult to have even its only temporary.
It is said that Amaratine is a kind of flower living and keeping scent forever, just like the pure love in deep side of everybody.
The dying king realizes too late that in his mad search for power, he has lost the pure love that he Shared as a youth with a girl.
The dying king realizes too late that in his mad search for power, he has lost the pure love that he Shared as a youth with a gril.
The trip of Coney Island is the love recovery trip for the hero; it let him find the pure love which has been lost for a long time.
When curtain coming down, everything is in silence. Warm stream is still in heart, stronger and stronger. So we believe, time or space, never apart, the pure love….
He added: "' all in Your Name 'is in fact the message that Michael wanted to send out to all of his fans all over the World that he did it all for them and for the pure love of music."
Year after year, this pure and beautiful maiden found that she was really in love with the ghost.
The first system is emotional, but love is more than pure fleeting emotions that last for minutes.
And that kind of love for me is very important in understand in love in general. And that was my argument against the priest that somehow you believe in a spiritual love, which is pure spirit.
Most of people are looking forward the crystal-like love—pure without anydefect.
The Buddha had great and pure love for all beings – and he never felt urged to consummate with anyone!
Colin Grant, the CEO of the fitness and yoga chain Pure Group, turned his love of yoga into his day job.
Seeing ye have purified your souls in obeying the truth through the Spirit unto unfeigned love of the brethren, see that ye love one another with a pure heart fervently.
They are emitting a divine energy of zero field, of pure love, unconditional love, and a light-code that can only exist in the 5th dimension and above.
This rings are the symbol of long-lasting and pure love of lovers, and it will symbolically tie the relationship forever.
That which is not of the light is in extreme pain and will surface to be cleared and re-qualified back into pure Light and Divine Love.
Most of people are looking forward the crystal-like love-pure without any defect.
It is deemed the best because it can evoke at once the treasure of pure love for Krishna.
Well into the autumn of my life, the cherished goal of pure love of God still eludes me.
Well into the autumn of my life, the cherished goal of pure love of God still eludes me.