The quality of education in this small school is better than that in some larger schools.
Examinations are probably a poor instrument for measuring the quality of education because they concentrate on grades instead of abilities.
Since 2012, he has helped more than 1,900 students and called on more teachers to work in poor areas to improve the quality of education.
Is the quality of education matching the quantity of children passing through the school gates?
Accreditation is an important means to ensure and improve the quality of education constantly.
The future of a nation depend in a large measure upon on the quality of education and training.
A country's future prosperity depends, to a degree, upon the quality of education of its people.
The question is: in what directions should an expanded definition of the quality of education be taken?
Studies suggest that this may have more to do with the intake of students than with the quality of education.
High quality of life and the quality of education, the social services, vocational and professional enough.
The quality of education is the very important part in evaluating the output of classroom educational service.
The number of medical graduates being produced in Africa remains inadequate, and the quality of education is uneven.
She is concerned, too, about the quality of education when the trend is to cut school costs and streamline operations.
As a result, the quality of education for students, "Germany" and "only" two aspects of culture is extremely important.
The region built a number of campus beautiful environment, good school conditions, the quality of education high schools.
Yet, if we are concerned about maintaining standards, what we can do is to concentrate on improving the quality of education.
I hope to advance the mathematics teaching pattern, thus, to improve the quality of education in the secondary vocational school.
By improving the quality of education of children of migrants, such a migration pattern will also be good for long term productivity growth.
We encourage teaching in the mother tongue, which facilitates the fight against illiteracy and contributes to the quality of education.
First is to improve the quality of education subject from the ideological and moral qualities, knowledge qualities and ability qualities.
In order to empower the parents, the voters, to demand greater quality of education, we needed to have a way to measure the quality of education.
In this context, it is widely recognised that, collaborative networking is one of the most crucial inputs to improve the quality of education.
The theory of cognitive psychology throws light on the effective guidance to the learning process and the improvement of the quality of education.
Curriculum is the carrier to realize the goal of cultivating postgraduate education and it is the key to protect and improve the quality of education.
As with the civil society representatives who Wolfowitz met earlier, the parliamentarians raised the quality of education as a major subject in their talks.
As with the civil society representatives who Wolfowitz met earlier, the parliamentarians raised the quality of education as a major subject in their talks.