These are the ones who haven't bothered to divorce, yet they lead lives of quiet, grinding frustration, if not desperation, hostility, anger and depression.
Obviously, this one is put forth by some quiet people themselves, in a sort of over-defensive backlash against being treated like the weird, abnormal ones.
The one-lungers throbbed and fluttered, and the twin-cylinder ones purred and purred, and that was a quiet sound too.
Restless thoughts keep the Great Ones away. A quiet mind keeps the door open to them.
The numerical results showed that this new method had a high accuracy, and it was quiet simple but more effective than classical ones.
The ones loud enough to mask the sound of chewing made subjects eat more — 4 pretzels compared to 2.75 pretzels for the "quiet" group.
The ones loud enough to mask the sound of chewing made subjects eat more — 4 pretzels compared to 2.75 pretzels for the "quiet" group.