I placed receptacles on the balcony to catch the rain water.
The applications of the rain water in the iron and steel enterprises are discussed, for reference.
We collect the rain water and the waste water from the sewing network in the high part of the site.
This article emphatically has carried on the detailed elaboration and the plan to the rain water plan.
Away from home, would you please close the window, door, in order to avoid the rain water, especially the tap water soaked floor.
After a hour in the sun, shampoo and condition your hair, but before your final rinse of the conditioner thoroughly rinse your head in the rain water.
In the city and watershed water environmental system in the rain water environmental system as a gift of the precious resources, plays an important role.
The waste water produced from the factory facility and the rain water collected naturally using the slope of the land is recycled and re-used in irrigating the surrounding landscape.
When flowing into the pond and the wind blows, the rain water that pours down over the rooftop slope, brings a cold breeze to the transitorily space between exterior and interior under the roof.
Now, when the rain fell, water ran down the sides of the dunes, carrying clay and silt particles with it.
The rain seeps underground and the water may reappear later as springs.
With much of the built-up landscape impenetrable by water, even gentle rain runs off almost immediately from rooftops, streets, and parking lots.
Water enters a lake from inflowing rivers, from underwater seeps and springs, from overland flow off the surrounding land, and from rain falling directly on the lake surface.
With temperatures rising and more water vapor in the air, such storms can pull in more moisture and thus rain or snow more heavily than storms of old.
Less vegetation means the soil can't hold water as well; the soil loses its ability to retain water when it does rain.
The rain had come through our leaky roof and water was everywhere.
An hour after the rain stopped, roads remained inundated with water due to slow drainage.
Have nature sounds, such as the ocean or rain playing in the room. Water is supposed to be a symbol of positive energy.
Nevertheless, with a great yearning for water, many refugees opened their mouth for the black rain.
If there is no rain, the cooks in restaurants will have no water to cook food.
He heard something like the gentle patter of several drops of rain on the plank which covered him. It was probably the holy water.
After being absorbed, the particles of water unite and form clouds; then they fall down in the form of fog, rain, snow, or hail.
Answer: Radioactive material falling from the air or carried in rain water or snow, can deposit on the surface of foods like fruits and vegetables or animal feed.
They were incorporated into gothic stonework as early as the 13th-century to keep rain water off cathedral roofs, their mouths serving as the ejector spout.
And in the wakeful intervals I pray that the morning may see the rain continue, our lane under water, and the bathing platform of the tank submerged to the last step.
People in temperate climates where the rain falls moderately all the year round may not realise how much water is needed for farming.
People in temperate climates where the rain falls moderately all the year round may not realise how much water is needed for farming.