You're the person who's supposed to keep the troop, the rank and file motivated.
The view into top management from the rank and file was just as obscure, Benioff knew.
Both talented at marketing their respective 'products' yet mistrusted by the rank and file.
It will be the rank and file, not the newspaper editors, who will finally decide who is to be elected.
In the country's hierarchical Confucian culture, the rank and file will not take holiday unless the boss does too.
Even if Mr Mugabe's senior security men wanted to launch a coup, it is uncertain that the rank and file would obey them.
The sticking point is, we should believe that engineer could be a member of rank and fashion, instead of down with the rank and file!
But she paid too little heed to the rank and file, and failed to campaign for him energetically enough once the decision had been made.
Then the middle managers should be assigned the next most "auspicious" spots in the office. Lastly, the rank and file take up the remaining floor space.
Also, he rebuked them over the high number of casualties, an apparent decline in fighting skills, desertions, criminal acts and a lack of unity among the rank and file.
While the heads of the secret services have been changed and the services have been reorganized, much of the rank and file remains, now with ties to a powerful business elite.
Therefore, we must once again bring home to the cadres and the rank and file the idea that because ours is a poor, big country, we must work hard with a pioneering spirit.
According to a report on national competitiveness by the World Economic Forum, the French rank and file has a much stronger work ethic than American, British or Dutch employees.
It got me thinking about what a CEO, or even a rank-and-file employee for that matter, really gains by admitting a mistake and taking the blame.
Though most of the generals seem loyal to Mr Gbagbo, he knows that around two-thirds of the forces' rank and file voted for Mr Ouattara.
Behind heavy curtains, he receives important guests and hosts syrupy videoconferences with rank-and-file supporters back home, the so-called red shirts.
The idea is to boost efficiency, quality, and responsiveness by giving rank-and-file employees more say.
Like it employees, information security types tend to speak in a somewhat geekier dialect than the rest of a company's rank-and-file, one that can be hard for many executives to understand.
Calls for a more pro-poor, pro-labour stance strike a strong chord with the party's rank and file.
The well-off not only have much higher take-home pay than the rank-and-file but also tend to be the ones who have access to the benefits of hoarded corporate cash.
And response back is "Well, yes, we had people at the table, but they were Oxford educated and they didn't represent the rank-and-file people in my culture."
The wage difference between managerial and rank-and-file positions has shrunk over the past decade as companies cut compensation amid restructuring.
The wage difference between managerial and rank-and-file positions has shrunk over the past decade as companies cut compensation amid restructuring.
In 2005, division managers were paid about 2.2 times the rank-and-file worker, down from about 2.7 times in 1985.
The once-obedient rank-and-file of the Assembly at first appeared to stand by their leader, but then abandoned him.
File location is important and files that are located in the root directory or near it tend to rank better than files that are buried 5 or more levels below.
Tread carefully, though. The Ninja is a lone warrior; don't try to force him or her to work with rank and file.
But it could do little to stem the wave of support that welled up among Silicon Valley's rank-and-file.
But it could do little to stem the wave of support that welled up among Silicon Valley's rank-and-file.