The rate of convergence is nearly quadratic, and is quadratic under some additional conditions.
The results of testing typical function demonstrate that the precision and the rate of convergence are improved by FQGA.
In the third chapter, we study the rate of convergence of nonhomogeneous Markov chains and the absolute average strong ergodic.
Adjusting the probability of acceptance could control the speed of chaos simulated annealing, and influence the rate of convergence.
Furthermore, the results of comparative calculation show that the new method can considerably improve the rate of convergence for the feasible direction method.
During the self learning process, the adaptive learning rate and momentum gene are introduced to accelerate the rate of convergence and advance the identify accuracy.
To solve the nonlinear finite difference scheme, an accelerated monotone iterative method is presented, and the explicit estimate for the rate of convergence is given.
Through theoretical analysis, the proper choice of the controlling parameter not only has no influence on the rate of convergence, but also accelerates the convergence sometimes.
The different effect arising from the training parameters to the rate of convergence of neural networks are gained though the training of networks by using different training parameters.
When the number of grid is very great or viscous effects dominates or sometimes the speed of flow is low, the rate of convergence slows down dramatically, resulting in inefficient solution technique.
A reasonable normalization method is made certain by the normalization principle and the data of construction. This method increases the learning efficiency and the rate of convergence of the network.
The net result will be a progressive convergence of nations to a declining per capita emission rate.
Then some defects such as slow convergence rate and getting into local minimum in BP algorithm are pointed out, and the root of the defects is presented.
The strong convergence of sample autocorrelation is proved, and the convergence rate is obtained.
By means of analysing the global error bound, we prove that the method has a R-linear convergence rate.
借助于全局误差界的分析,证明了所提方法具有R -线性收敛速度。
Results This model has the strong capability of noise immunity, quick convergence rate and powerful ability of global search.
The simulation and motor control show that the new algorithm has fast learning rate, good convergence properties and can overcome the defects of traditional PID algorithm.
Labor market structures, however, may prevent convergence of the Shared income, with those countries showing a lower wage rate and consequent inflow of international capital.
Both new waveform convergence algorithm and latency algorithm are introduced to accelerate the rate of waveform convergence.
We estimate the convergence rate of this method and give its monotone convergence theorems.
The convergence rate of deterministic signal is slower than the one of uncorrelated signal.
Aiming at the slow convergence rate of BP neural network, append a correlative node on hidden layer, improve the adaptive ability and rate of studying of neural network.
Some weak and strong convergence theorems are proved and the estimation of relative convergence rate is obtained.
Specifically, the convergence rate of coefficient estimate is obtained in constant amplitude case.
Recent studies on Generalized Congruence Neural Network (GCNN) show that the convergence rate of GCNN is faster than that of BP network.
An improved method based on orthogonal wavelet transform for adaptive speech denoising is proposed, which can increase the convergence rate of the adaptive speech denoising process.
The convergence rate of TRIDIA is quickened markedly with the improved rounding method proposed by the authors for the composition of the TRIDIA.
The convergence rate of TRIDIA is quickened markedly with the improved rounding method proposed by the authors for the composition of the TRIDIA.