Beyond market knowledge, we're also looking for a real awareness of what's going on in the world of startups.
Violence against women is endemic around the world and the kind of violence that Rose joked about goes beyond self-defense and enters into the realm of all-too-real tragedy for many people.
Toai is a great example of how a social network can add in location-based features to take networking beyond the virtual world and into the "real" world.
Contemporary art stresses the direct connection between art and reality, as well as the maze beyond art and the real world.
When the notion of God is apprehended only as that of the abstract or most real being, God is, as it were, relegated to another world beyond: and to speak of a knowledge of him would be meaningless.
Being now immersed in the world, you see it as a real world; get beyond it and it will disappear and Reality alone will remain.
Moving beyond the rugged surfaces of his two-dimensional works, Wang transformed objects from the real world into strangely hybrid forms.
Moving beyond the rugged surfaces of his two-dimensional works, Wang transformed objects from the real world into strangely hybrid forms.