It seems reasonable that a person who often goes to the movies pays more in total for movie tickets than a person who rarely goes.
Using them was reasonable when booking a flight, but sometimes customers visit the agency in person and want to book a flight, a hotel, and a rental car all at once.
If the person has a reasonable likeness to the photograph—and therefore similar biometric details—a stolen e-passport could readily be accepted.
Nor would any reasonable person put their life in the hands of such a person in the mountains.
In such cases, helping the person develop a reasonable solution is a key part of the treatment process.
However, if you are not the sort of person who already has a reasonable collection of Torx bits lying around, you may not want to mess with this.
Words are therefore interpreted in the way in which a reasonable commercial person would construe them.
He is the sort of person you take for granted, a nice bore, so reasonable and honest, there is no need to be on your guard against him .
Unless the party In breach did not foresee and a reasonable person of the same kInd In the same circumstances would not have foreseen such a result.
The Rocket looks like now is ties the worldly-wise person and the young member in a body's troop, the team lineup coordination balanced reasonable.
So coaches, parents or the person in charge of athletes must make a scientific and reasonable training and education to prevent the phenomenon of Destructive Enthusiasm.
And the standard of the reasonable commercial person is hostile to technical interpretations and undue emphasis on niceties of language.
Every person using any depot shall obey all reasonable orders given to him by the officer in charge and shall conduct himself in a quiet and orderly manner therein.
You know I would never be the person who often make apologies to others, which does not mean I never admit my mistakes but because I do things in a reasonable way.
We need are precisely have this kind of spiritual person: They do everything possible complete the task, but is not seeks any excuse, even if looks resembles the reasonable excuse.
The reasonable layout of left-turn bus-only approaches which is corresponded with bus lane on the roadway can reduce the whole delay in the running of buses and the delay per person.
The illness is stable Diabetic the person also should be below the guidance of nutrient division or doctor reasonable choose a fruit, right amount edible.
Previously, Texans were justified in killing someone only if "a reasonable person in the actor's situation would not have retreated".
Any person directed by a notice to queue (or when asked to queue by an authorised person) shall join the rear of the queue and obey the reasonable instructions of any authorised person.
This would not be fair to those who have to obey the law. They are entitled to be judged by an impartial person or "reasonable man" in common law at the time they had to obey it.
"Criminally negligent" means conduct that involves a gross deviation from the standard of care that a reasonable person would exercise under the circumstances, but which is not reckless.
“刑事过失”(Criminally negligent)意为,犯罪行为涉及偏离普通正常人(reasonable person)在当时情形下的注意标准和范围,但是其不是轻率的行为。
Main objective standard criteria can be about a good administrator (reasonable person standard) and the statutory standards.
Main objective standard criteria can be about a good administrator (reasonable person standard) and the statutory standards.