The red army crossed the snow mountains and the marshy grasslands.
The film examines Hungarians fighting in the Red Army in 1918 during the bloody Russian civil war near the Volga.
As the defender of the Red Army Corps and the Red Army of the three, the enemy was blocked in the east of the Xiangjiang River, fighting to the exhaustion of food and clothing, most heroic sacrifice.
His red face was convulsed with anger, and the Grand Army man ducked his head when he saw the spark in his blue, bloodshot eye.
If there is one thing that the British Army was known for up until the nineteenth century, it was their bright red uniforms, earning them the nickname "redcoats".
I see the worms crawling over the scenery like an army of red ants, devouring everything in sight.
The light from the lamp shone suddenly on a handsome young man in a bright red and gold army uniform. He looked admiringly at Bathsheba.
Red Army Corps 34 division surrounded by the enemy, all officers and soldiers bloody battle, the vast majority of heroic sacrifice.
The Piano Suite the Red Women Army Was a great classical work in the 20 ~ (th) century China.
This Ching was not a real general, of course, but merely a stocky, red-faced wanderer who had chanced to be near Beijing one day when the emperor's henchmen required an army in a hurry.
The light from the lamp shone suddenly on a handsome young man in a bright red and gold army uniform.
As a grunt in the Army of Red Mist, Mogul Khan set his sights on the rank of Red Mist General.
As a grunt in the Army of Red Mist, Mogul Khan set his sights on the rank of Red Mist General.