Money letter "Qianlong reign to the word from the regular script writing, while the right and left reading."
Just as the name implies, the regular script features its regularity and varies from the flat font to a square one.
The script in Listing 1 also tests each regular file system for world writable directories and reports whether the file system contains a world writable directory at the end of the output.
The "-m" argument says to take whatever follows and import it as a module, like a "use ModuleName" in a regular script.
“- m”参数表示获取其后的任何内容并将该内容作为模块导入,类似于正规脚本中的“useModuleName”。
You can use this script from your crontab list for regular processing or run as required from the command line.
In addition, the Regular expression Evaluator allows you to test an expression while you're editing it, saving you the time of having to run the script to see if the pattern worked.
The service discovery runs on top of the Registry scheduler framework and can be configured to run automatically at regular time intervals or run manually by using a script.
Now I, or someone else might forget the leading or trailing slash and some Windows user might use back slashes instead of regular slashes, so I decided to just handle that in the script.
Again, you'll use the concept of passing an ajax flag to the server-side script to let it know whether it is being called by a regular GET request or by an ajax call.
A typical use case of Ant scripts is to use them in a regular repeatable build. The build machine is normally different from the machine that was used to create the original Ant script.
The following script, run on a regular basis, is all that is required to implement a strategy based on incrementally updated backups.
While the running hand makes full use of connecting lines between two strokes it can be regarded as the quickly-written form of regular script.
For ACC input, the input code adopted in this system is just this kind of four corners code of corresponding regular script characters.
His personal style helped him reach the immortal status in the field of regular script and become one of the most influential calligraphy masters in Chinese calligraphy history.
His "running script" or "regular script" works were often seen to copy "Lan Ting Xu" (Preface of the Orchid Pavilion) by Wang Xizhi.
This script helps you to hide diagonal, oblique edges in regular patterns to make mesh consisting of the rectangular polygons.
This part of the study from the perspective of the text analyzes the performance of regular script in hook shape, meaning and function.
The history of Sui dynasty was comparatively short, but it had its own distinctive feature of calligraphy, which embodied in the form of regular script or an inscription on a tablet.
Please fill in the blanks with Chinese regular script for Native applicants, foreign applicants is please be English in block letter;
Please fill in the blanks with Chinese regular script for Native applicants, foreign applicants is please be English in block letter;