Equally striking, however, is the relative stability of the climate in the past 10 years.
Content encyclopedia on the basis of the relative stability of continuously updated to reflect The Times.
The triangle has the relative stability, the strategic triangle balanced relations also relative stabilization.
The definitiveness and stability of laws lie in the relative stability of the value judgement criteria in form and in essence.
Meanwhile, the relative stability of the mode of thinking reveals the complexity in the procedure of the transformation of it.
The research contents mostly concerned both the contrast tests on practical approaches and the relative stability test on training sample.
The ANN can derive a continuous-spread stability index to indicate the relative stability degree by means of a semi-supervised learning algorithm.
The meanings of the relative stability of the mode of thinking contain the relative independence, the repeatability, the general pursuance for integrity and stages.
It is a fascinating observation because the relative stability and proximity of Trojans would make possible targets for astronaut missions when we eventually go beyond the space station.
Several factors contribute to record high demand, the most important of which is the relative stability of the gold price in rupee terms, and the strength of the Indian currency itself.
This paper presents the serious defect that in control theory. The relative stability of control systems is not only for the traditional definition. The means to solve this problem is discussed.
This paper expounds in theory that, we may use the relative stability or their ratio caused by UNVARIABLE as the proportion of the point on datum, which accords with the demands for choice of datum.
With the data of three observation periods from the GPS deformation monitoring network of a dam, the clustering analysis is conducted on the relative stability of quasi-stable points of the network.
Their ability to feed themselves has been an important source of relative stability both within the countries and on world food markets.
The period of time from 1950 to 2000 was a combination of prosperity and relative stability.
But, come the election, Mr Rudd has other things on his side: relative youth (at 49 he is 18 years Mr Howard's junior), stability and drive.
The model was used to predict the cotton yield in Hebei province under the conditions of relative stability and to provide scientific information for production planning and decision making.
There are relative stability and certain changeability for the objectives of all levels.
The Galactic Empire's influence has grown, as beings everywhere see and appreciate its relative stability and order compared to the shaky years of Alliance rule.
This kind of boundary is relative, only has the temporary stability and the validity, it along with situation change, but unceasing vicissitude.
In a photoelectric theodolite, the time delay of TV or IR miss distance will have a relative large influence on stability and tracking accuracy of the control system.
The Instability of natural cave is absolute and its stability is relative.
The sensor has the obvious advantages in durability and stability relative to the traditional electrics strain sensor.
Due to the stability of feature and relative abundance of information, the latter becomes the hotspot of the research.
The stability of PBPTH congeners was theoretically proposed based on the relative magnitude of their.
This paper discusses the two indexes, dynamic stability and relative deformation, that evaluate the high temperature stability of the asphalt mixture by rutting test.
The system stability can be ensured and the vibration transmissibility reduced, when relative variables are used as feedback variables and appropriate gains have been chosen.
Relative stability and a degree of predictability is the notable features of the sci-tech news source.
Relative stability and a degree of predictability is the notable features of the sci-tech news source.