Marco Rubio is the Republican candidate running for a U.S. Senate seat in Florida. He is also a favorite of Tea Party activists nationally.
The perennial candidate was not taken seriously by Mr Castle, who refused to debate with her, or by the state Republican Party.
More problematic, it is unclear that a clever, measured candidate stands a chance within the Republican Party.
“TONIGHT,” exulted Rand Paul, the victorious Republican candidate for the Senate from Kentucky, “there’s a tea-party tidal wave.”And
[color=#000000]“TONIGHT, ” exulted Rand Paul, the victorious Republican candidate for the Senate from Kentucky, “there’s a tea-party tidal wave.”[color=#000]And
In early August, the Republican party in Illinois chose Alan Keyes as its candidate for the Senate.
In early August, the Republican party in Illinois chose Alan Keyes as its candidate for the Senate.