The Reset button hurts users in three ways.
If not all of your disks are displayed, click the Reset button to reload the values.
The US has also "pressed the reset button" in a bid to improve relations with Russia.
Suspending the campaign, one McCain adviser recalls hoping, would let them 'push the reset button.
Just reset your phone using the reset button and it should bring you back freeze free from then on.
It's time to press the reset button and to revisit the many areas where we can and should work together.
And when the host press the reset button S12, all states are restored, can start a new round of the contest.
When parking somewhere not press the reset button when the indicator light, to be reset before starting diesel engine.
Microsoft very boldly hit the reset button and abandoned all elements of Windows with the Windows Phone OS's "Metro" interface.
Retry this command until the mouse connects. You may have to turn it off and on or press the reset button a couple of times.
Hitting the reset button-if one magically existed-would only place us on the path to overreacting to the next Way of Life crisis.
Listing 13 shows you how to create a form reset button, but don't use this in new forms: no end user ever hits the reset button on purpose.
Most Web forms would have improved usability if the Reset button was removed. Cancel buttons are also often of little value on the Web.
Even if a user were to use a form frequently, the reset button would still not be necessary if the data was mostly the same from one use to the next.
Use a pencil or ball-point pen to push and hold the Reset button - it'sa bit recessed and very difficult to push and hold with your finger or fingernail.
You can use the Undo button in the view menu to discard any changes, and reset all changed Settings back to the previous states.
The uncertainty poses a particular problem for the White House, which is attempting to press the "reset button" in strained relations with Moscow.
The worst problem about Reset is that users click the button by mistake when they wanted to click Submit. Bang - all your work is gone!
The Web would be a happier place if virtually all Reset buttons were removed. This button almost never helps users, but often hurts them.
Now simply reset the device by holding in the record button (on the left side) and you should see a list of images on the card (usually only one).
The Reset command restores the built-in toolbar button or menu command to its original image, name, and command.
The above action buttons are found at the end of a lengthy form for enrolling in St. Louis Community College. Just imagine pressing the “Reset Form” button by accident.
上面的操作按钮,是在圣路易斯社区大学长长的报名单的最后面,想想看误按了“重设表单(reset form)”的后果吧。
Reset: Clicking this button will reset the lens distortion model to its default state.
If a form as a reset button then the reset function is automatically bind to it.
Click detailed control button in work station after the instrument starts normally. choose dialog box of reset consumable to clear the time of injection septum. then exchange of pump oil is finished.
Possibly the only time when a Reset button is called for, is when a form is used repeatedly by the same user and the information entered differs from each use.
Reset: Clicking this button will reset the camera parameters to their default values.
Reset: Clicking this button will reset the camera parameters to their default values.