It was differentiated from the typical tin pan alley popular music of the times by dark tonal qualities which were the result of mixing major, minor and 7th chords with the music.
Many motor accidents are the result of unthinkingly mixing speed and alcohol.
For better mixing result, the uncontinuous propelling blades are used in ingredient feeding section of the prawn feed pelleter.
By the way, just to return briefly to this topic of osmotic pressure, I just want to emphasize that result didn't need any kind of energy of mixing, either, right?
Secondly, the small family pattern wants to avoid choose and purchase unit furniture possibly, but the mixing of integration, fashion that passes properties takes to carry out whole result.
The reason to mode mixing in the result of empirical mode decomposition is discussed in respect of the variation of extremum series.
Put forward three indexes for evaluating the quality of PVC plastics mixer and discuss its testing method and result judgement as well as the effect of the mixing quality on the finished products.
提出了评定PV C塑料混合机混合质量的三个指标,对其测试方式和效果判断进行了讨论,同时也论及了混合质量对制品质量的影响。
The production result shows that this technique possessed benefit mixing effect, larger treatment capacity, and can meet the need of sintering production whereas not influence on sintering index.
The result showed that a kind of colorful, tasty, flavorous and nourishing fruit-vegetable-flower composite jelly could be produced by technology of mixing, filtration, sterilization, etc.
The result indicate that the double mixing-blades mixer improves mixing performance of inefficient zone , mixing quality and productivity of whole machine highly.
Test result shows that the mixing of this three materials accompany with increasing grind fineness, the strength of compound cement with large amount of fly ash can be improved significantly.
The result shows that after the treatment of biological fermentation and mixing with some nutrients, reed residue can be used as medium for mushroom and vegetable culture.
The result showed that proper vibration force field could reduce the extrusion pressure and the extrusion power, and could effectively improve the mixing degree of filled polymer system.
The result shows that the effect of top blowing oxygen jet on the mixing time and circulation flow rate can be disregarded.
Moreover, the final achievement "would signify the racial decline of its founders", presumably as a result of racial mixing.
The test result shows that we got the optimum emulsified diesel oil of definite mixing ratio by variance analysis of power smoke and consume oil.
The result shows that both shearing and tensile distributions in the viscous fluid exhibit under the action of the pins. The mixing effect is intensified by these concurrent strains.
The measured result is concordant with the theory and the mixing performance of the HYLTE nozzle is better than the trip and rampnozzles.
A better quenching effect is obtained when the temperature increases; and the quenching result is also influenced by the mixing time of fluorescence quenching agent and the pulp.
As a result, the modified rotor could effectively increase the mean radial and tangential velocity near the evaporating wall of WFMD and strengthen the mixing of liquid layers.
It features recirculating mixing, obviously decreasing shearing force of the stirring, percolating oxygen supply and raising the cell cultivating result.
The result of the research shows, partial perfect mixing fluid and holistic complex plug fluid state can be formed in SUFR, and higher Oxygen-transfer efficiency causes energy saving.
To the present, it has not been seen the special publication of literature on the result of the comparison test of the quick and slow loading methods of cement mixing piles.
At this time, early "rockers" were mixing the country music of white America with the rhythm and blues sound loved by the black us citizens. The result was rock 'n' roll.
These bizarre creations are the result of volcanic ash mixing with the elements over millions of years.
The result shows, the ester exchange reaction did take place in PC/PET melting blend system, the extent of exchange reaction depends on content of the components, mixing temperature and mixing time.
The result shows, the ester exchange reaction did take place in PC/PET melting blend system, the extent of exchange reaction depends on content of the components, mixing temperature and mixing time.