The retail trade is witnessing a sharp fall in sales.
By the way, we supply all types of tools to the retail trade.
After China's entry into WTO, supermarkets have been a hot issue in the retail trade.
Not yet. Personally, I consider the fashions I saw unlikely to sell well in the retail trade.
In this foundation, has further analyzed the retail trade service marketing present situation and the question.
Studied present condition to carry on analysis at home and abroad to the retail trade stock management in the meantime.
This investigation involves 24 countries and 423 retail trade stores, accounting for 20% of the retail trade turnover in Europe last year.
With the gradual drop and severe losses in the gross sales, the heyday of the retail trade of the large department stores in Guangdong is going by in recent years.
If the product is successful, it might lead to the launch of the TT brand to the retail trade, and possibly to contracts with other major retailes for 'own brand' products.
Include the definition of the service quality and constitute among them, the service quality margin model analysis, and influence the retail trade service quality factor analysis.
Network for the retail trade, information transmission and settlement offers unprecedented convenience and network sales, Consumer doorsteps, we can complete the process of shopping.
Retail trade groups praised the ruling, saying it levels the playing field for local and online businesses.
Retail trade groups praised the ruling, saying it levels the playing field for local and online businesses.
During the aspectant struggle with the foreign capital magnate, lots of shortage in the local retail trade exposed.
But while wholesale prices have dropped, the market traders and pushcart vendors who dominate India's retail produce trade are still demanding a premium for the vegetable.
The National Retail Federation, a trade group, estimated that 212 million shoppers visited stores and websites during the first weekend of the holiday season, up from 195 million last year.
S. the National Retail Federation, a trade group, estimated that 212 million shoppers visited stores and websites during the first weekend of the holiday season, up from 195 million last year.
The 2011 autumn collection would be in retail outlets from June next year, and discounts on an ex-factory basis would be reduced by 200 basis points from the Autumn Trade Fair, the company said.
The terribly in the plute that this pursues landed, finance and retail trade in England is scarce.
Toward the nets pin road, is changing garment industry to radical wholesale and retail trade of customary manner.
The tourists contribute a lot to the local retail trade.
The variety in retail results from the dramatical development in retail trade.
After joined WTO, the handset retail trade was faced with grim situation.
A weaker market for auto also is the chief evidence to date of trouble in retail trade that is not clearly related to snow and cold.
As the highest form in retail trade, shopping mall's accurate position selection is the important premise for its success.
The International Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC) is the global trade association of the retail real estate industry.
In recent years, the medicine retail trade in Shenzhen presents an unprecedented booming trend, ranking the first group in retail-chain management of our country.
In recent years, the medicine retail trade in Shenzhen presents an unprecedented booming trend, ranking the first group in retail-chain management of our country.