For the return journey, take the bus from the same bus stop as where you arrived.
And it is late in the evening before a finally quits his office and begins the return journey to Ealing.
Now the Tao consciousness is extending into earth and into each species to help foster the return journey "home".
On the return journey the Yankees fans decide to pull the same trick and purchase only one ticket for the two of them.
'Trip' is a countable noun which indicates travel to and from a place. It is often used together with the reason for the return journey.
That would be normal practice, but it would delay the return journey and keep hundreds of passengers waiting in the departure lounge.
But on this afternoon, even with the temperature in the 90s and the humidity stifling, the river was easygoing for the return journey.
"I was going to tell you, when you so rudely interrupted me," said Uncle Andrew, "that I did at last find out a way of doing the return journey."
Visited continous mountain of water in the setting sun out the ditch and we sunsets steps of drag exhaustion, on the return journey, we had a happy day.
On the return journey, they would bring back a big block of ice bought from one of the ice boats moored in Cheung Chau harbor, which supplied the local fishing junks.
Choi ha garb holding evening cruise on the return journey, in the face of maritime silk road, enjoy the beautiful sunset (recommendation ready cameras had his picture).
Some of the filter tools developed for the system include the ability to group and filter by price and airline, departure and return time, and journey duration.
After being at sea for several years, salmon return in summer to the sites of their birth to spawn and die, and hardly feed along their final journey.
Few entrepreneurs who’ve spent a decade building a company get that kind of personal return, because few personally invest so much of their own cash along the journey.
Scientists believe this "return trip effect" is not caused by being more familiar with the route on a return journey, as previously thought, but because of different expectations.
Don't forget to take your party frock for the cocktail party on the return evening journey.
The penguins make the grueling journey across some 70 miles (110 kilometers) of Antarctic ice each April to return to the breeding grounds where they were born.
And the king said unto me, (the queen also sitting by him,) For how long shall thy journey be? And when wilt thou return?
On their return journey, Scott and his disheartened party trudged across through the frozen wasteland, frostbitten and often delirious.
This journey home is also a return to spiritual roots; a time of year set aside to pay respects to the ancestors and to thank the gods that watch over them.
When they made this return journey, they began their characteristic nest-searching behaviour, quartering the ground in detail looking for the entrance, after travelling about ten metres.
She did, indeed, take sufficient interest in herself to throw up her veil on this return journey, as if to let the world see that she could at least exhibit a face such as Mercy Chant could not show.
The story begins and details the brother's journey to find a alchemy amplifier so that they may return to their normal bodies.
The man whistled again and again, and sat down and waited in the expectation that he would return. But no dog appeared, and at length he resumed his journey.
The man whistled again and again, and sat down and waited in the expectation that he would return. But no dog appeared, and at length he resumed his journey.