When the rig sank, the riser broke near the top while remaining attached to the blowout preventer at the bottom.
The rig is owned by the Thai oil company PTTEP.
Oil and gas rushed up the well, dooming the rig and 11 of her crew.
What would the main problems be in the installation of the rig set?
The rig tongs must be kept clean at all times and kept well lubricated.
The rig was located roughly 50 miles southeast of the coast of Louisiana.
The rig can be seen in the bottom right of the image with smoke billowing out.
WHEN an offshore well stops producing oil, what should be done with the rig?
Before the rig exploded, America was inching fitfully towards a coherent energy policy.
Do not move them too much as your model will distort once you marry the model to the rig.
The great depth of the leaks from the rig makes staunching them a huge technical challenge.
That device that failed to stop the well from leaking uncontrollably after the collapse of the rig.
An explosion on the rig in April killed 11 men and was followed by the release of some 4.9m barrels of oil.
Workers at the rig tried to contain it, while responders scrambled to corral it, burn it or disperse it.
Two of the tests were conducted in February and one at the beginning of April, just days before the rig exploded.
Two days after the explosion, the rig sank to the ocean floor, and a pipe connected to the well on the sea floor broke.
The Gulf spill could be one of the worst environmental disasters in U. S. history and the rig explosion killed 11 workers.
The gaff rig is not as efficient as the Bermuda rig, and the rig is more complicated and requires more crew for sail handling.
The rig was producing up to 336, 000 gallons of oil a day and carrying some 700, 000 gallons of fuel oil at the time of the accident.
该钻井日产油336 000加仑,事故发生时装载700 000加仑燃油。
Engineers feared the pipe may have been damaged after the Deepwater Horizon drill rig exploded and sank in April, killing 11 workers on the rig.
The flow of oil ceased, for the first time in the three months since a blowout in the well doomed the rig which had drilled it, Deepwater Horizon.
The Coast Guard reported Friday morning that a remote-controlled camera found that oil was not leaking from the deep-water well drilled by the rig.
Nor did it shut off the flow when its connections to the rig were lost, as it should have. Nor when a remotely operated vehicle activated it later.
A secondary fear was the environmental impact of the oil and natural gas that could be spilled in the accident - especially once the rig sank on April 22.
The suits also include racketeering claims as well as personal injury and wrongful death claims from workers hurt or killed when the rig exploded April 20.
Activated after the blowout, it would have done nothing to save the rig, but should still have been able to isolate the oil in the well from the sea above it.
When the rig sank, the riser broke near the top while remaining attached to the blowout preventer at the bottom, bending itself like a pretzel in its subsequent collapse.
当钻井下沉时,海底立管在顶部附近破裂,另一端还连在防喷阀上。 在随后的倒塌中,它像脆饼一样弯曲。
When the rig sank, the riser broke near the top while remaining attached to the blowout preventer at the bottom, bending itself like a pretzel in its subsequent collapse.
当钻井下沉时,海底立管在顶部附近破裂,另一端还连在防喷阀上。 在随后的倒塌中,它像脆饼一样弯曲。