Keep in mind that the person who wrote the text is a human being and has the right to make mistakes, but you should not replicate that same mistake in your translation.
It is a challenge to us to fulfill her vision - which we share - of respect for the dignity of each human being, and their right to care.
But the good citizen Aristotle goes on to say? Is not the same as the good human being right?
Environmental rights is a new style right which based on harmonious and respectable relation between the human being and environment.
If you feel challenged even if I take the name of God, all right, let us keep it that you are a human being because of evolution, all right.
如果你们觉得挑战,甚至我提到上帝的名字,这样,让我们那样认为,你们是一种人类- - -因为进化,没问题。
Rapid development of biological development brought the human being into a new era-the era of gene, and protection of intellectual property right is appearing.
That is, each member gets into the integrated human-right society, follows and complies with rules of human rights, then their human rights will be respected and protected from being infringed.
Questioner: And one hasn't the right, it would seem to me, to decide about the life or death of another human being.
In his opinion, the existence of human being relies on the harmonious existence of other life forms and the natural world in which any forms of life have equal right to live.
Bearing, as a specific social behavior in the turn of continuity of life, is a gifted natural right of every human being.
The idea rebuilt the meaning and content of ownership from the perspective of human being, breaking the private and intrinsic nature of the divine right.
Freedom and equity which are demonstrated in the "right to civil litigation" are the ultimate goal being pursued by human beings.
Yangzonghai event is more a extinction accident of biotic population then merely a environmental incident, which caused from the immoralism of human being for the animals right.
Happiness is the right of every human being, but too often we think that it is predicated only by circumstances.
Article 6 1. Every human being has the inherent right to life. This right shall be protected by law. No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his life.
To the right of the tree in the upper right-hand corner is a definite misty shape in the form of a human being.
The high intensity of the X-rays involved would be too damaging for use on a living human being, and a corpse would probably not produce the right results.
Making sales is just like being human, it will be alright for the right person except the product is bad!
The only hint they got was from a human being who looked at or pointed at the right container.
Housing is one of the living essentials for the existence of human being, and thereby in the international community the housing right is also regarded as one of basic human rights.
Every human being has the inherent right to life. This right shall be protected by law. No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his life.
Here's to my hopes and wishes to you being able to relay this idea to the right people and get SC2 down without a hinge. Remember your testers are human.
Here's to my hopes and wishes to you being able to relay this idea to the right people and get SC2 down without a hinge. Remember your testers are human.