It used to be that a paper route or an after-school job at the local grocer was viewed as a rite of passage for young people.
In the earliest days of the Internet, getting email address and signing in to Pine for the first time was a rite of passage for many college freshmen.
PLAYING football in the driving rain, with the mud flying, is a rite of passage for teenagers the world over.
Being seen from the Angle of the cultural anthropology, tourism is a rite of "passage" which is utilized to complete some important changes of the human life or mind.
From (the) cradle to (the) grave, the car marks every rite of American passage.
One reported rite of passage for Tusken youngsters is the hunting of a krayt dragon, though tales of success are rare.
The Garou denote a cub's coming of age with a Rite of Passage, a deadly and dangerous quest that tests a werewolf's strength and wisdom to its very limits.
The wand is the key to the kingdom, and selecting one from Ollivander's is a rite of passage for the kids at Hogwarts.
I can't believe you've never done this. Crossing the bridge is like a rite of passage.
Joining the powerful senior citizens' lobby AARP is almost a rite of passage for many Americans as they turn 50.
If there's one goal of this conference, it's to dispel the myth that bullying is just a harmless rite of passage or an inevitable part of growing up.
Taking to the road with a nod to iconic classics, the Menswear tales catalogue pure rite of passage journeys that fundamentally shape their characters.
Needless to say, the mask of a Jaguar Warrior often hides numerous scars earned during this perilous rite of passage.
Kodo Beasts are seen as a symbol of power and vigor among the Tauren, and hunting and killing a Kodo Beast as part of a hunting party is an important rite of passage for young Tauren.
For many black men, it's through a prism stained by the fact that a negative, sometimes racially charged, encounter with a policeman is a far-too-common rite of passage.
The whole process related to a woman's giving birth is a "rite of passage", which plays an important part in the role transition of a woman in this special period.
By the thick description, we can better understand the anthropological concept "rite of passage", which also closely related to the process of socialization.
By the thick description, we can better understand the anthropological concept "rite of passage", which also closely related to the process of socialization.