The role of the advertising may vary greatly in scope.
In the recent past, the role of celebrities in advertising to children has often been conflated with the concept of host selling.
Comics are used throughout the studio as a reference to the role POP culture played in America in the evolution of applied art and advertising.
A poster is a visual communication tool. The copywriting of advertising posters is a unique writing form that plays the important role in advertising communication.
Personal selling: when personal selling is an important element in the marketing mix (in industrial markets, for example), the role of advertising is diminished.
The structure is designed to test such solutions in terms of the role they can play in the process of advertising and showing the product to an ordinary consumer.
In many public service advertising campaign of the factors, forms of communication and dissemination of results of the appeal for the public service and social influence has set a crucial role.
The advertising media promotes the idea of slim attractive women as role models.
The color plays an important role of the visual feelings in merchandise advertising designs.
When a print advertising as an objective role in the stimulation of the sensory organ recipients - eyes, the audience's understanding of this process will be started.
It is no wonder that Ji 'nan large billboards in tolerance and express more advertising content at the same time, also progress and enhance the role and effectiveness of the wide knowledge.
If we are to creative advertising that will move the client's business forward, we must pinpoint the role of advertising that will play in the complex marketplace arena.
The paper proceeds from the gender role education function of advertising and provides a comparative analysis of gender roles in Chinese advertising and social contexts.
"Advertising perhaps is the best mass media of our era", Jean Baudrillard pointed out the tremendous role in promoting consumption of advertisement in the book "consumer society".
Since nowadays advertising is the leading method of propaganda, it plays an enormous role in the shaping of public standards.
Since nowadays advertising is the leading method of propaganda, it plays an enormous role in the shaping of public standards.