It has been existed since the Roman Law times.
The concept of proprietorship in modern sense originated from the Roman law.
The so-called Roman law mainly refers to the Roman law made in Justinianus time and after that time.
This feature is in some way or other related to the historical origin of Russian law in the Roman law.
The question of the fetal status has been one of the important topics attracting legal science attention since the Roman law came out.
On the basis of the Roman law, the legal person was conceptualized with the revival of the Roman law and the compilation of the new canon law.
The whole Argentine Civil Code is in a straight line of the Roman law. Moreover, the contributions made by Spanish and French laws are in some way Roman law.
Surrogate succession is an outcome of multiple transfers of estate interests in the process of succession evolving from the institution of bequeath in the Roman law.
Deduction is to find balance between heirs. It should be cut from the total heritage heirs getting from decedent. The deduction system is derived from the Roman Law.
The cancellation right of the obligee originated from the Roman law and is referred to as' actio Pauliana 'or' action Paulienne 'in the literatures on the Roman law.
The kingdom and church placed over and over emphasis on the power and rights in the investiture controversy, so as to give rise to study the Roman law and to establish the authority of the law.
The Roman genius was projected into new spheres—especially into those of law, military organization, administration, and engineering.
The secret to both Rome's expansion and its ability to harness the productive ability of its people, argues Paterson, was Roman law.
Europeans inherited the idea of the corporation from Roman law.
Europeans inherited the idea of the corporation from Roman law. Using it as a base, they also experimented with ever more complicated partnerships.
The secret to bothRome's expansion and its ability to harness the productive ability of itspeople, argues Paterson, was Roman law.
Under Roman law in the first centuries of the Common Era, there were proper opportunities for divorce and the dissolution of a marital union for both parties.
The merchants of western Europe generally followed the law of the Italian commercial cities, hence the influence of Roman law was quite strong in this field.
Formalism was one of the important characteristics of early Roman law.
Strict liability derives from Roman law as the contract responsibility.
Roman law was taught in England as early as the thirteenth century but formed no part of the training given at the Inns of Court where most lawyers were trained.
Usufruct, with the inborn nature of solving the contradictory conflicts between property ownership and usage, originated from Roman law.
It has been societies that have had a developed police system and practiced Roman law, with its written depositions, whose court records have yielded the most data to historians.
Today, there's a law against defacing the Roman amphitheater.
Today, there's a law against defacing the Roman amphitheater.