None of us involved have ever used the word "cure" but if a root cause, those of us willing to undertake CCSVI treatment are optimistic this could stop or slow progression.
That Greek nemein is the root of our word nemisis which itself comes from the name of a Greek goddess whose job it was to dole out divine retribution.
Whether English got the word from Spanish or French, ultimately it goes back to Latin and the same root as the word camera, which, back there had a meaning of “room.”
不管英语的camrade是源自法语或西班牙语,最终都回归拉丁文,回到camera(密谈室, 暗箱)的词根,原意”房间“。
A quick look in the Merriam-Webster online dictionary provides four different definitions of virtualization's root word, virtual.
快速浏览Merriam - Webster在线词典中虚拟化词根virtual的4个不同定义。
Root: is the base form of a word that cannot further be analyzed without total loss of identity.
Recently, the Internet spread word: In order to six root is not a net, in the business sector lack of wolves.
But since they have no root, they last only a short time. When trouble or persecution comes because of the word, they quickly fall away.
Mt. 13:21 Yet he does not have root in himself but lasts only for a time, and when affliction or persecution occurs because of the word, immediately he is stumbled.
But since he has no root, he lasts only a short time. When trouble or persecution comes because of the word, he quickly falls away.
But since he has no root, he lasts only a short time. When trouble or persecution comes because of the word, he quickly falls away.