You declined a little in oliver Cromwell's time but to no serious extent and in Charles the second's reign you were made knights of the royal oak for your loyalty.
You declined a little in Oliver Cromwell's time, but to no serious extent, and in Charles the Second's reign you were made Knights of the Royal Oak for your loyalty.
A year and a half later, while in the process of downsizing and moving the company from Royal Oak to Sterling Heights, Michigan, she was self-diagnosed with breast cancer at age 45.
一年半后,在公司的规模缩小,并且由royal oak迁移到密歇根州的SterlingHeights时,她被诊断出了乳腺癌,那年她45岁。
Kenneth Peters, M. D. , chairman of Urology at Beaumont, Royal Oak and Dr. Xiao removed a piece of Billy's vertebrae that controls part of the thigh muscle.
The following day, I received a call from a store in Royal Oak offering me a job.
The following day, I received a call from a store in Royal Oak offering me a job.