"Each year the physical presence rule becomes further removed from economic reality and results in significant revenue losses to the States," he wrote in an opinion joined by four other justices.
Reality: With a nod to the "fallacy of the exception" rule we mentioned earlier, some leaders believe that they can achieve breakthrough results simply by making improvements in key process areas.
It emphasizes the importance of language, rules, and conditions of rule in the social construction of reality.
According to the analysis of contract, we found that offer and acceptance are far not consistent in reality and the rule of mirror could only be considered as a dream.
After a literature review on the issue cognitive linguistics, this paper focuses on three motivations: rule in reality, cognitive ability, and grammatical system.
Virtual Reality space is a virtual space constructed from the real image, and can be composed of view Spaces in a kind of rule.
Virtual Reality space is a virtual space constructed from the real image, and can be composed of view Spaces in a kind of rule.