A namespace collision occurs when two or more elements from two or more XML formats have the same name.
But when you add the wrapped pattern to WSDL, you require an element to have the same name as the operation, and you cannot have two elements with the same name in XML.
Using namespaces you can avoid ambiguities concerning elements with the same local name.
If the information is suitable for attribute form, but could end up as multiple attributes of the same name on the same element, use child elements instead.
For other elements, add these same two messages again, change PrimaryData to the base name of your property, and add TagCloudDataType to the type for your property.
The XML snippet in Listing 5 is the same logical document as the one you see in Listing 4. XMLUnit doesn't consider them identical, however, because the name and id elements are swapped.
清单5中的XML片段与清单4中所示的 XML 片段有相同的逻辑文档。但 XMLUnit并不认为二者是相同的,原因是二者的name和id元素是颠倒的。
Certainly, you can have multiple elements with the same name but different meanings in a single document.
If an element contains more than one sub-element of the same name, those sub-elements will be turned into an array property.
In some scenarios where a service requires information from several sources, there may be redundant data elements with the same name or an implied definition.
These are automatically set by the server to the values from the form elements of the same name, which become HTTP POST query arguments.
How do you distinguish the XHTML elements from the host vocabulary elements of the same name?
Moreover, in a single document, they may need to separately refer to elements with the same name that are created by different parties.
Create a link from the element row on the left to the element row on the right, so that Studio will create a mapping for all elements with the same or similar name for source and target.
However, in this case you don't know which name elements come from the same department document.
Namespaces prevent element and attribute name collisions, and allows elements and attributes of the same name to be handled differently and validated differently.
Namespaces prevent element and attribute name collisions, and allows elements and attributes of the same name to be handled differently and validated differently.