It captures a time chroniced in Richard Holmes's recent book "The Age of Wonder", when science mingled with poetry in its pursuit of answers to life's mysterious questions.
Science suggests that the secret to thriving in an age of universal distraction isn't to avoid distractions, but to distract ourselves smartly.
The Romantics did not reject science, as Richard Holmes demonstrates in his remarkable new book, The Age of Wonder.
Beyond those, however, there is a kind of celebration of the more elemental and tangible science and technology of periods prior to our present computer age.
This view is conceptual, but based on real science observations that have been made since the beginning of the Space Age.
Unfortunately, rather than avoiding the whole religion vs. science thing, Hawking has decided to open a can of worms reigniting an age-old debate that would make Richard Dawkins proud.
Science fiction writers and visionary artists of the aborning Space Age applied their talents to picturing a grand future beyond the wild blue yonder.
Science fiction & fantasy magazines, the illustrated pulp fiction of the age, sparked the imaginations of a generation.
There have been times, though, when some believed that science had paved over all the gaps, ending the age of ignorance.
Whatever happened to the space age as imagined back in the 1950s and early ’60s, when science fiction writers and rocket scientists spun tales of travel out in the solar system and beyond?
But the 47-year-old gerontologist (who studies the process of ageing) says his belief that he might live to the very ripe old age of 1, 000 is founded not on faith but science.
and by 1748, at the age of 42, he was able to retire from business to devote his life to public service and the study of science.
The team found that species of foraminifera living on the sea floor around the time of the ice age contained more carbon than those that floated at the surface (Science, DOI: 10.1126/science.1188605).
这个团队发现冰期中生活在海底的有空虫种类所含二氧化碳比那些浮游在表面的种类多(Science,DOI: 10.1126/science.1188605)。
Chongqing Science Association must realize its role's transformation from traditional human management to public HR in order to meet the demand of the age.
We must instead embrace the city fight as our optimum scenario and cultivate the art and science of information age siege tactics.
Dr. András Faragó, Computer Science Professor at the University of Dallas, said in an interview last week that we're entering the Age of the Algorithm.
Dallas大学的计算机教授András Faragó博士在上周接受外媒记者采访时说我们正在进入算法的时代。
Itwas 1977, and I had just had mymind blown clean out of my skull by a new moviecalled Star Wars (thegolden age of science fiction is twelve; the golden ageof cinematicscience fiction is six).
According to the Secret Life Of the Grown-up brain, by science writer Barbara Strauch, when it comes to the important stuff, our brains actually get better with age.
Because of the quick development of human science technique, human has entered the age of information technology.
Marxist philosophy opposes seeking some category in every age, but affirms the importance of category in theoretical science formation.
This accepts most of modern physical science including the age of the Earth, but rejects much of modern biology or looks to it for evidence that evolution by natural selection is incorrect.
Reaching the legal age and ability to accept education, every citizen has the right to learn culture, technology and science through all kinds of educational equipments and ways.
But just make someone who has fallen in love listen to his stomach rumble and the unity of body and soul that lyrical illusion of the age of science instantly fades away.
It captures a time chronicled in Richard Holmes's recent book "The Age of Wonder", when science mingled with poetry in its pursuit of answers to life's mysterious questions.
Abstract: : in recent years, along with our country economy and the rapid development of science and technology, power system file management also faces a severe test of the information age.
We believe that with the advent of the new competition age, advertisements, as an artistic science, will more voluntarily obey and support the public rights and freedom of media.
We believe that with the advent of the new competition age, advertisements, as an artistic science, will more voluntarily obey and support the public rights and freedom of media.