Houses without a contract tax certificate cannot be exchanged in the second-hand house market.
This thesis has quoted the five factors' theory into the marketing and spread activities of the second-hand house trading agents.
But some real estate brokers utilize information asymmetry on the second-hand house brokerage market to deceive the consumer in order to get more benefit.
Early in this century, our country's housing credit market borrowed the transfer of mortgage business. It activated and flourished the second-hand house market.
The same women would appear sometimes at the wood-frame house, where her family of 11 lived in three rooms, burning coal-oil and hauling water from the spring, and offer them second-hand clothes.
In the High house prices reduce the number of irrational factors, the entire second-hand housing market prices will be more stabilized.
I have a small number of my house, together with my mother and grandfather are like me, will not let me do heavy work, do not let me play, so my skills are "the second hand"!
The market of luwan second-hand house always presents a situation that the price was high and the market was hot in the north .
The residents encountered sky bid when they were looking for an intermediary to buy second-hand house, which made so many people have a headache.
The residents encountered sky bid when they were looking for an intermediary to buy second-hand house, which made so many people have a headache.