According to this hypothesis, the acquisition processes create sentences in the second language, right?
You have to wait for the speaker to deliver quite a chunk of language before you then put it into the second language, which puts your short-term memory under intense stress.
The second language is a macro language for performing textual substitution.
Acculturation plays great, sometimes even decisive, effect on the second language learning.
Nowadays lexical study plays a prominent role in the second language acquisition and teaching.
Its significance lies in the further efficiency and pertinency of the second language teaching.
Be creative. Read books, watch videos, and set up pen-pal relationships in the second language.
The age at which the second language needs to be acquired to yield the protective effect is also unknown.
Map is considered as the second language of geography science, and it is very important in geography teaching.
The biggest difference between learning Chinese and the second language lies in their different symbol systems.
The principle of objectiveness is an important principle in the classroom instruction design of the second language.
A study on the second language learning strategies is an important problem between applied linguistics and psychology.
There are times when we feel somewhat awkward in expressing ourselves in our mother tongue, then the second language helps us well.
Good translators must be bilingual. But is it better to be a "born bilingual" than to have learned the second language later in life?
Indeed, recognizing the word is the basis that we learn the second language, without knowing the words, how can we deal with the test.
Whether "the critical period of language learning" affects the second language learning is a controversial topic in SLA research field.
When we acquire a second language, we need to know the differences of language habit between our mother language and the second language.
Based on investigation, this paper offers an analysis on the cognitive methods of listening comprehension for the second language learner.
The mother tongue transfer phenomenon is the important topic that many linguists and psychologists research in the second language acquisition.
In modern Chinese, "Rang" sentence is a very rich form, but its not put highlight on in grammar study and teaching Chinese as the second language.
The English of Southeast Asia is a variety of English which is used in the Southeast countries or areas as the second language of former English colony.
The English of Southeast Asia is a variety of English which is used in the Southeast countries or areas as the second language of former English colony.