In her talks with Colin, Mary had tried to be very cautious about the secret garden.
The next morning when they went to the secret garden he sent at once for Ben Weatherstaff.
"Even when I was ill I wanted to see you," he said, "you and Dickon and the secret garden."
She might as well tell him, she thought she could talk about Dickon without mentioning the secret garden.
Only seconds later, Mary was inside the secret garden.
The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett.
While the BBC serialisation of The Secret Garden was showing on t.v. the book was never on any of the shelves of libraries across the nation.
It tells the story of an orphan, Mary Lennox, who discovers the key to a hidden door which leads her into the magical world of the secret garden.
In the bright morning, with the key to open the door of the secret garden in my heart, I am going to the castle which I have long been yearning for.
Craven's sad death of his wife, become strange gloom and despondency secluded, his manor has been locking hundreds of houses, ten years not allowed access to all the secret garden.
It's a secret garden, and I'm the only one in the world who wants it to be alive.
A young orphaned girl learns the importance of family through a garden that is a secret.
The cushions on the bench are my favourites from my own Bluebellgray collection called “Secret Garden” — I love the watercolour on the grey coloured linen;
All summer long, despite chores at home weeding and watering the garden, cutting wood and fetching water-reuben kept to his secret task.
Olivier Krug is the sixth generation in a family of champagne makers. For him, this secret garden, as he calls it, represents his family's independent spirit.
Children's world is pure and innocent. Natural curiosity incites him to explore the secret in the back garden.
Due to the popularity of "Secret Garden" and its numerous follow-ups, coloring books are no longer seen as a pastime only to be enjoyed by children.
That afternoon he went down the garden and whistled their agreed secret signal for Polly (she hadn't been able to get back the day before).
Secret Garden is "terribly therapeutic", commented The Guardian. It's nothing new that art has therapeutic benefits, and practitioners have used it with patients of all ages, CNN noted.
Here the narrative shifts into a description of a secret walled in garden on the Banks of the Euphrates.
All summer long, despite chores at home weeding and watering the garden, cutting wood and fetching water-reuben kept to his secret task.
He made house calls, either prescribing remedies for ailing plants or taking them to his secret garden in the woods where he tenderly nursed them.
He made house calls, either prescribing remedies for ailing plants or taking them to his secret garden in the woods where he tenderly nursed them.