The ministry of the interior dissolved the secret police.
He was accused of having collaborated with the secret police.
'I kept thinking the secret police would arrive,' he says, 'but we never heard anything.'
As he passed him, Xiangzi saw at a glance that he was a member of the secret police.
Others draw up lists of car licence plates associated with the secret police or informants.
'I kept thinking the secret police would arrive,' he says, 'but we never heard anything.
As a well-travelled sea captain at a time when most Romanians were stuck at home, it would be odd if he had had no contact with the secret police.
So when the Iron Curtain rose and the KGB files were opened to the public, certain information Georgi had provided to the secret police came to light.
George Mikes, a Hungarian humour writer, claimed that the secret police actually invented jokes themselves, so as to better control popular sentiment.
It seems incredible that just two decades ago, Hungarians could not travel, speak, or even meet freely, for fear of the secret police, imprisonment or worse.
Caught by the secret police in 1950 while on an undercover mission to Prague, he was tortured and then served 14 years in a Labour camp. He was lucky not to be executed.
Earlier he had denied he was a spy but admitted he had agreed to communicate with the secret police because he feared refusal to do so would have threatened his studies.
For the vast majority of Iraqi citizens who wish to live as free men and women, this event brings further assurance that the torture Chambers and the secret police are gone forever.
Reflecting the subtle cat-and-mouse game, however, the searchers also know the line they shouldn't cross and won't go after really big targets who might attract the secret police, analysts said.
The French Interior Minister has intervened in a scandal over the role of a secret police force.
Had she lived, she would be stunned to learn that Mr Kurras, now 81, had been a long-time agent of East Germany's secret police, the Stasi.
The decree authorises police raids without warrant, the use of anonymous witnesses and secret evidence.
Take the Stasi archives in Berlin, for example, which catalog the information gleaned from East Germany's 91, 000-person-strong secret police.
The earliest acronym I could find that I actually recognized as a word was Gestapo from 1934, built on the German words for “secret state police.”
而我找到的最早的、可以看成是一个单词的缩略语则是1934年的Gestapo(盖世太保),来自于德语词“秘密国家警察”(Geheime Staatspolizei)。
The 1940 massacre of around 20,000 Polish officers and other prominent citizens in western Russia by Soviet secret police has long soured relations between the two countries.
The 1940 massacre of around 20, 000 Polish officers and other prominent citizens in western Russia by Soviet secret police has long soured relations between the two countries.
The Hourani hospital has been accepting injured protesters since the start, but others, afraid of secret police interference, had to be persuaded to open their doors.
One is a 'top secret' letter dated March 1940 from the head of the Soviet secret police, the feared Lavrenty Beria, recommending the execution of Polish prisoners of war.
One of the secret instructions of the police authorities to their agents contains this article: "Always have on hand a hackney-coach, in case of emergency."
One of the secret instructions of the police authorities to their agents contains this article: "Always have on hand a hackney-coach, in case of emergency."