Your house may have the latest alarm system and Windows with bars, but if you leave your doors unlocked, despite the number of security features your system has, it is still insecure.
The security cameras and alarm system were alerted and the police immediately came to the house and arrested the intruder who was attempting to break a window when they arrived.
The museum is installed with advanced security and fire alarm systems, multimedia educational facilities, a computerized resources library and building maintenance automation system.
Therefore, the subject of GPRS-based wireless security alarm system, there is greater prospects for the development and application of significance.
The system, equipped with infrared adjusting technology, allows both an improvement in not only remote operation of zero setting and alarm value setting, but also the leakproofness and security.
An alarm system for security guarding designed with FPGA is discussed in this thesis, and the theory and structure as wall as the design for VHDL module are also given bellow.
On this foundation a small wireless security alarm system is designed with the features of automatic error correction, automatic diagnosis and strong anti-jamming ability.
The system could be connected to the various wired or wireless sensors to achieve the home security alarm and remote control by the short message.
Therefore, the most urgent key project for us to study is to solve how to take advantage of security technology precaution, to construct an effective multiple precaution panic alarm system.
In order to solve the heavy workload and the low efficiency of the train maneuver, one kind of train security alarm system based on GPS and INS technique was presented.
And a great deal of network bank theft affairs happened recently knocked the alarm bell for information security of network bank system.
It is a large and integrated city security system which integrated based on these subsystems, and as to adapt the city alarm and monitoring, some new requirements are promoted.
This paper introduced one kind of laboratory real-time multimedia security monitoring alarm system based on the campus network, analyzed the system main function and the key technological methods.
The frying oil filter is equipped with automatic alarm security system, and meet the tubing congestion or blockage in a filter layer, will automatically alert, and automatic stop immediately.
The system utilizes the security feature of ASICs, and it has a low rate of false alarm in operation.
In security system, being the core of alarm and joint-act, security strategy incarnates the stability and reliability of the security system.
Test result of demo system proves that applying event correlation method on the threat analysis decreases the false positive and redundant alarm from network security devices.
In addition, TV monitoring system can also and anti-theft alarm system and other security system security, the user with the ability to get the whole.
Finally, this system is proposed using decision tree to resolve the relevant theories of ecological environment security alarm in the scenic spot.
Finally, this system is proposed using decision tree to resolve the relevant theories of ecological environment security alarm in the scenic spot.