If the self-employed person succeeds in business, he has the chance to earn a great deal of money.
In general the self-employed expert has greater earnings opportunities than one who works for a company.
By another measure, including farm workers and the self-employed, women constituted 47.1 percent of the work force.
And there is also a risk of excluding creditworthy borrowers, particularly first-time buyers and the self-employed.
In a sign of growing disillusionment with the pension system, almost 40% of the self-employed fail to pay contributions.
The self-employed 60-year-old mechanic doesn't have to spend his spare time on the road, but it's a hard habit to break.
Household employment is defined slightly differently from payroll employment; it includes farm workers and the self-employed, for example.
Retirement for the self-employed can be a voluntary choice, but illness, exhaustion, divorce and partnerships unravelling can force a decision.
Moreover, the self-employed are excluded from EU transitional controls: "self-employed" easterners in Germany duly doubled in number after 2004.
此外,个体户是不受欧盟过渡性控制政策限制的。 2004年,德国境内的东欧裔个体户数量整整翻了一番。
Although salaries can vary greatly with the self-employed, small business owners made an average annual wage of $36,000 to $75,095 in 2008, according to Pay Scale.
Second, though the self-employed can earn considerable profits with a successful business, losses can force them out of business and sometimes, place them in debt.
The data, referring to the 2005 tax returns by the self-employed, among whom evasion is considered particularly rife, made front page news in most of Saturday's newspapers.
Now there are 2.6, compared with an OECD average of four. In a sign of growing disillusionment with the pension system, almost 40% of the self-employed fail to pay contributions.
The self-employed income, public funding(federal, state and local), and the donations (corporate, foundation or individual) ties the three major sources of funding for the museum.
In almost all cases of the self-employed, the small business owner is taking information out of his or her brain and spending the necessary time to convert it into a product of value.
Therefore, earnest and effective measures have to be taken to further strengthen the work in the financial management and taxation administration of the self-employed private economy.
In one of these, salaried workers and the self-employed have to contribute 12% of their earnings to health plans run by managed-care organisations similar to those in the United States.
Cuba's decision to transition 500, 000 state workers to the private sector will triple the number of the self-employed and is expected to accelerate cash flows from Cubans living abroad.
"I'm self-employed and need the Internet for my work, but I'm failing to accomplish my work, to take care of my home, to give attention to my children," she wrote in a message sent to the group.
The payroll survey also doesn't capture the number of self-employed, and so says little about how many people are generating an independent income.
One of the best things I ever did was quit my day job and become self-employed.
You can’t simply have the goal of “being self-employed”; instead, you need to have a clear picture of what you will be doing and how that will change your life.
To regulate the business practices of self-employed, private partnerships, individual proprietorship and private enterprises.
They say the way to freedom is through becoming self-employed, being location independent, or shedding all of your possessions.
Whatever the causes and effects, however, the freedom of press laws in the United States mean that any change to the style employed by the media must be self-imposed.
Whatever the causes and effects, however, the freedom of press laws in the United States mean that any change to the style employed by the media must be self-imposed.