"Are you tired of interviewing?" asked Oliver Lambert, the senior partner who was in charge of the recruiting.
Lawyer Sam Chen is the Senior Partner of Jiangsu Suyuan Law Firm which is one of the top law firms in Jiangsu Province.
On July 10th, they exploded into an ugly public display, as the two men jostled for power in the Liberal Party, the senior partner in the conservative coalition.
Hoping to inherit clients from a higher-up usually takes years of work on those accounts, with no guarantee of a payoff if the senior partner then decides to pass the baton to someone else.
You should focus on the senior associate who will be on your account, not the partner.
Michael Clayton: You are the senior litigating partner of one of the largest, most respected law firms in the world. You are a legend.
"The complexity of de-integrating these companies is massive." says Alan Thomson, a Houston-based senior partner at the Boston Consulting Group.
波士顿咨询集团(The Boston Consulting Group)的高级合作伙伴阿兰·汤姆森表示:“要让这些公司进行分散经营,其复杂性将超乎想象。”
“If these I.P.O.’s continue to work, they’ll play them until the merry-go-round stops,” said Scott Sweet, senior managing partner of the research firm IPO Boutique.
“只要类似的公司新上市(IPO),就会有人追捧,直到哪天旋转木马停下来。” 名为IPOBoutique的证券研究公司的一位高级董事合伙人说。
There was a smell of mothballs in her father’s inner sanctum, which he’d taken over from his now deceased senior partner without redoing the carpeting or the curtains.
她爸爸的里间办公室中一股樟脑球的味道。 办公室是从已去世的高级合伙人手上接过来的,帕蒂爸爸没有更换地毯,也没有重新做窗帘。
Her 4-inch black suede heels had obviously impressed the sender, a male senior partner.
An expanded "partner-like" group of senior managers at the top of the company is one of the features that he thinks could usefully be borrowed from professional services.
Michael Clayton: You are the senior litigating partner of one of the largest, most respected law firms in the world. You are a legend.
Senior citizensare especially fond of keeping pet because they are always feeling lonely athome and they see the cats or dogs as their partner.
Senior citizens are especially fond of keeping pet because they are always feeling lonely at home and they see the cats or dogs as their partner.
If an idea you may reach comfort zone for senior officials, the proposed budget request as soon as possible or offering with a distinct market segments in the company establish a partner relationship.
Michael Clayton: You are the senior litigating partner of one of the largest, most respected law firms in the world.
"SouFun is a full-scale highly hit website by the Chinese populous," Scott Sweet, senior managing partner at IPO Boutique, told the Financial Times.
"SouFun is a full-scale highly hit website by the Chinese populous," Scott Sweet, senior managing partner at IPO Boutique, told the Financial Times.