Was it just the Greek sense of honor and propriety that kept them from doing a sneak attack?
Her beret and silk scarf combination is as legendary as it is simple, and the beribboned fedoras she wore on several heists gave her a sense of propriety in improper circumstances.
The Western sense of propriety gets thrown to wind, and what we are left with is . . .
In part, the five Bridges represent the five Confucian virtues of humanity, sense of duty, wisdom, reliability and (ceremonial) propriety.
It is due to the recent negligence of propriety that there have been atrocities on the part of those without any sense of propriety.
The key to make the literary works vivid and convincing is to know well the sense propriety in the respect of characters portraying.
The key to make the literary works vivid and convincing is to know well the sense propriety in the respect of characters portraying.