The linear correlation of random variables is considered and the formulas for computing the checking point and the sensitivity coefficient of...
The sensitivity coefficient of air temperature above the glacier to variation of global radiation is related well with albedo and absorbed radiation.
Calculate the sensitivity coefficient by numerical calculation during estimating the uncertainty that brought by the uncertainty of the direct measurement parameters.
Shunting resistance box is a commonly used method in the determination of the sensitivity coefficient of the resistance strain gauge with the equal-strength beam aparatuses.
The sensitivity coefficient describing the relationship between the phase noise and the transition probability is defined. And then, the sensitivity of the interferometer is achieved.
Objective To study the sensitivity coefficient of human stomach cancer and esophagus cancer to chemotherapeutants and provide reference for doctor screening the effective chemotherapeutant.
Sensitivity coefficient calculation is the key point of uncertainty evaluations.
The sensitivity analysis for Poisson's ratio and coefficient of permeability has given some beneficial conclusions.
Based on the convex simplex method for nonlinear programming, a sensitivity analysis of consumption coefficient matrix in linear fractional programming is presented.
The asymptotical stability of the subharmonic resonances and the sensitivity of the amplitude responses to the variation of damping coefficient were examined.
Secondly, error modules of main braking were established and errors of the guidance law designed above were analyzed by error sensitivity coefficient matrixes.
An attempt is made to elaborate the definition of the coefficient of strain-rate sensitivity, which is a fundamental concept for macroscopic dynamic plasticity and dislocation dynamics.
A new concept, characteristic coefficient sensitivity, is introduced. The relationship between it and eigenvalue sensitivity is also given.
The mean sensitivity coefficient and the standard deviation sensitivity coefficient are strongly related and both can be used to identify key contributing random variables.
The soft soil has characteristics of high water content and low anti-shears strength and high compression coefficient and low penetrability and high sensitivity.
A calibration test has been performed on FBG with strain gauges, and the strain sensing sensitivity coefficient of the properties of FBG was gained.
The comparison of the results of P01 and P02 showed that P01 had slightly lower coefficient of friction, but its wear was larger, indicating its larger humidity sensitivity.
比较P01和P02的结果发现,虽然P 01试样的摩擦系数总体稍低,但磨损量较大,显示了P 01对湿度的敏感性稍大。
The percentage power of mode and the excited coefficient of the light source were affected by beam's radius and slope Angle. Furthermore the sensitivity of sensor was affected.
This paper studied the new method of the polymer packaging grating to improving the optical fiber grating stress sensing sensitivity coefficient.
The corrosive solution and test temperature have no apparent effects on the grooving corrosion sensitivity coefficient.
The zero level of corresponding point is subtracted from sampled value to eliminate the zero fluctuation and multiplied by compensating coefficient to modify the sensitivity fluctuation.
In sensitometry, the characteristic values of sensitivity and contrast coefficient are generally, obtained from photographic characteristic curve graphically.
The differential coefficient of smooth function was taken as a mother wavelet for researching the sensitivity segment of inflexion of pipeline leakage signal.
以光滑函数的一阶导数作为小波母函数 ,研究了管道泄漏特征信号拐点区间的敏感性 ,突出小波变换系数的局部极值性。
Sensitivity coefficient obtained from calculation can represent how much the internal temperature variation and contraction affects the early crack of concrete structure.
The rice sensitivity coefficient to drought is calculated using the data from experimentation for the first time, and some significant results are obtained.
As a coefficient matrix of fault diagnosis equations, singularity of the sensitivity matrix restricts its solutions. On the other hand, sensitivity matrix is a function of testing frequency.
Experimental results show that the linearity and the strain sensitivity coefficient of packaged by titanium alloy are better than that of the FBG packaged by stainless steel.
At present, the method of sensitivity analysis depends on a algorithmic optimization, and asks to be can compute differential coefficient of the target function.
At present, the method of sensitivity analysis depends on a algorithmic optimization, and asks to be can compute differential coefficient of the target function.